solved In this project, you will work from the point of

In this project, you will work from the point of view of a senior consultant tasked by your target company to perform an analysis of the firm and present a strategic recommendation or set of recommendations to improve the company. Even if your company is a strong performer your job is to uncover even greater opportunities for growth. 
Target Company: Uber
This project will require you to perform outside research on your target company (as opposed to case studies where no research is required). 
You will be measured on the following teaching from class:

Strategic Evaluation of the Company (using the Growth Strategy Frameworks)

Make sure to look at current capabilities
Identify Key Risks &  Strategic Dilemmas 
As you come to your final recommendations, come back to this section and ensure the company has the ability to execute your recommendation (i.e. if you recommend Facebook gets into producing Electric Vehicles, discuss whether they have the expertise or budget to make electric cars. If not, and you suggest a partnership to produce cars, explain how this partnership makes sense as well as the risks)

Application of the 5C-STP-4P model


Provide an overview
If your recommendation takes your target company into new markets then perform a 5C for the new market


A clear understanding of the current products line and their target segments
Aligning your final recommendations to new potential target segments

Analysis using the Brand Pyramid and Loyalty Ladder

Explain current brand positioning
Ensure your recommendations align with the company’s brand or the brand positioning recommendations you make. Remember that everything has to align (i.e. if you suddenly want to make Apple into a beer brand, you had better have a strong reason their technology brand translates into customers wanting Apple alcohol and note the risks, else it would be better not to pursue this direction)

Channel & Distribution

Analyze channels, find efficiencies, inefficiencies and opportunities
Make sure that the channels or channel investments needed for your recommendation are in place (i.e. if you recommend Vauxhall or Renault sell cars in the US, make sure they have the appropriate dealer networks (with their parent company or otherwise) or that they have the proper e-commerce capabilities in place, else recommend a path to attaining them) 

Final Recommendations

This is the lion’s share of your grade. It needs to be realistic, feasible and align with your analysis (for instance, a cash-strapped company with a $1bn market valuation cannot do an M&A where they buy a company 10x their size. This is not feasible or realistic). 
Aligned with your assessments above, make a recommendation
Backup your recommendation tying it / connecting the dots to the arguments you have setup (i.e. If you’ve demonstrated that Google has Google Glass technology and your research shows this technology is scalable/integratable into auto windshields you may make the recommendation that Google and Tesla do a joint venture putting Google Glass into Tesla vehicles. You will want to detail who is responsible for production of the Google Glass and how they work with Tesla.)
Include a risk assessment for everything you recommend. 

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