solved Instructions ENGLISH 112–Rhetorical Analysis: Writing in the Major Using research,

ENGLISH 112–Rhetorical Analysis: Writing in the Major
Using research, talk about the area you are majoring in or plan to major in, and give the reader a sense of why you are interested in it, some basic details about the field, and an example of writing done within the field (i.e. a peer-reviewed article from an academic publication based in the field).
Follow MLA formatting and documentation conventions.
You are allowed to use First Person (“I”) narration for this paper.
For this paper, you will pull together two areas of research:

Primary research  (that is, research where someone does an original experiment/survey/study) of a scholarly or professional article in your field. 

The purpose of analyzing an article is to learn what writing looks like in your field. Therefore, the article you choose needs to function as an illustration of a typical piece of writing that you may encounter as a student or as a professional.
Your article may come from a printed journal (such as the ones in ‘the current periodicals section of the library or  the ones archived in the basement of the library) or retrieved electronically from an academic database, such as ProQuest Central (a general database that includes some academic articles from journals) or ProQuest Science Journals, ProQuest Sociology Journals, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health, etc. (databases that specialize in journal articles published in a specific field). In your search query, always select “peer-reviewed” articles to filter out articles that are written to a general audience.
Remember, you don’t have to completely understand the article, but get a sense of the audience for whom it was written and the type of language/terms used.
It is also recommended that you look for official websites of organizations related to your field (an association of nurses, for example). 
You MAY also do an original interview with someone already in your field as primary research. If you have your own experiences in the area, you may talk about them, though this will not count as research.

Secondary research into writing in your major (that is, writing that focuses on existing research), gathered from the Web and/or reference section of the library. All material must be documented, quoted and paraphrased correctly. 

NOTE: Please save file format as such:
ENG 112 110 My Name Assignment 1
This makes it easier to keep track of papers I download from Sakai or email. Five points, roughly half a letter grade, will be deducted for deviating from this format.
To report on this information, you will write in a general MLA FORMAT with these sections and headings.……

Cover Page
Abstract–a summary of your report (written AFTER the paper is done, discussing what you ALREADY wrote (i.e. “Looking into this field, I discovered…”)
Introduction/Background–an explanation of what discipline you chose and why, who / what motivated you to choose this field, the kind of work required, the job prospects in this field, an introduction to how writing is used in the field, and an introduction of your chosen article and author from your primary research. 
Methods–a description of the methods and sources you used, as well as an explanation of why you chose them:

What primary source did you choose?
Was this source recommended to you by a faculty member, professional in the field, librarian? Did you find it by browsing in a professional/trade publication?
Why did you choose this source?
What secondary sources did you find?
Why were these important to you?

Discussion—Check secondary sources (articles written ABOUT news in a field)

(What did you learn from your secondary sources about writing in your major?)

audience for writing
forms of writing
questions asked
evidence used
conventions followed
documentation systems used

rhetorical analysis of primary source. (What does a typical piece of writing in your field look/sound like?) You will complete a rhetorical analysis of the article focusing on the following aspects of the article you’ve chosen to represent writing in your field:

thesis, summary, analysis of organization (how is the piece structured),
analysis of development (what kinds of information are used to support the points; how logical is the support),
analysis of tone (formal, engaging, academic, argumentative, critical, angry, serious, condescending, informative, etc.),
analysis of audience (who was it written to and how do you know; what assumptions does the writer make about this audience),
analysis of any charts, graphs, pictures (how do they contribute to the meaning of the article),

Quote from the source frequently to support your summary and analysis. Remember that analysis involves both pointing out facts and interpreting those facts. For example, you might point out that the article has a picture alongside the text, but you will need to take the next step and interpret the significance of this image and explain how it relates to the text. Similarly, if you point out that the tone of the article is argumentative, you will need to explain why this is so and what the significance is of this tone.

Results–a discussion of the findings from your primary and secondary research:

What did you learn about writing in this field?
What did you learn about the discipline?
What else did you learn from your research?

Conclusion–a discussion of the significance of what you learned in your study and an explanation of the kinds of writing skills you conclude will be necessary in your major.

How does what you learned about writing in this field affect your decision to major in this field?
What was the most surprising thing you learned?

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