solved Instructions: You may use your textbook, notes, and internet resources

Instructions: You may use your textbook, notes, and internet resources to complete this exam. You are not allowed to work with your classmates. Please answer all questions and follow instructions on the length of each response. Frame your responses clearly, be as specific as possible, and use full sentences unless otherwise indicated. Please type your responses. Point values for each question are shown below. Your completed exam must be submitted via Canvas by 10 pm on Tuesday 3/16. Late exams will not be accepted.Question 1. (15 points) In the Longest Policymaking Model Diagram (Exhibit 3.1 in your textbook):What is the significance of the double-sided white arrows between the External Environment and the three major phases of the model (i.e., Formulation, Implementation, and Modification)? Please respond in no more than 3-5 sentences. (10 points)Provide a specific example of how the external environment might affect the policymaking process. Please respond in no more than 3-5 sentences. (5 points)Question 2. (15 points) Listen to the CNN story, “Here’s How the Government Can Enforce Quarantine Rules,” which may be found at the following link: describe state and federal powers to enforce a quarantine. Please respond in no more than 1-2 paragraphs. (5 points)Should quarantines be enforced at the state/local or national level in your opinion? Explain your reasoning as it relates to federalism and state police power. Please respond in no more than 1-2 paragraphs. (10 points)Question 3. (25 points) The Supreme Court has evaluated three major constitutional challenges to the Affordable Care Act: NFIB v. Sebelius (2012) King v. Burwell (2014), and California v. Texas (2020). The California v. Texas case was originally brought to the lower federal courts by Republican state officials. The argument for this recent challenge was that the decision to eliminate the tax penalty for failing to obtain health insurance (i.e., the individual mandate) in 2017 rendered the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) unconstitutional. However, the request to expedite the Supreme Court’s evaluation of the case came from Democratic state officials and House members. We’ve discussed the three main roles of courts and the fact that certain cases require the court to play multiple roles. The 2012 Supreme Court ruling on the ACA’s individual mandate and Medicaid expansion in NFIB v. Sebelius, and in particular, the Court’s decision to uphold the ACA’s individual mandate in 2012, is an example of a case that required all three roles. Describe how the 2020 California v. Texas Supreme Court challenge required the Court to play one of the main roles (i.e., meaning giver, rights protector or limiter, and constitutional referee). Please respond in 3-5 sentences. (5 points)Why would Democratic policymakers who support the Affordable Care Act want to expedite the Supreme Court’s evaluation of the new challenge? Please respond in 3-5 sentences. (5 points)Briefly explain how the court played at least two of its three core roles (i.e., meaning giver, rights protector or limiter, and constitutional referee) in this instance. Please limit your response to 2-3 paragraphs. (15 points)Question 4. (20 points) Many states, counties, and localities have implemented bans on smoking in public places including workplaces, restaurants, and bars in the past 3 decades (See Week 2, supplementary reading and lecture video “PH450 SP21 Public Smoking Bans.mp4“ on Canvas).Explain how these policies are intended to affect 2 determinants of health, and how these determinants may ultimately impact population health. Please respond in 2-3 paragraphs. (15 points)According to the research we reviewed in class, why might these policies have unintended consequences for infants and children? Was there evidence of these unintended consequences? Please respond in 3-5 sentences. (5 points)Question 5. (25 points) Last year, the US Congress passed a bill to address the effects of the coronavirus pandemic (“Families First Coronavirus Response Act”). This was a popular piece of legislation with the House voting 363 to 40 in favor. Outline some of the major provisions included in the bill. A bulleted list or a few sentences is acceptable. (5 points)Describe one problem-solution combination included in the bill. Why did this problem rise to the top of the policy agenda according to the framework we discussed in class? Please respond in no more than 1-2 paragraphs. (10 points)What are the political circumstances that enabled this legislation? Be specific. Please respond in 3-5 sentences. (10 points)

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