solved IntroductionThe United States is one of the most culturally diverse

IntroductionThe United States is one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. Diversity refers to the idea that people are different based on age, race, gender, marital status, lifestyle, religion, and other factors (Daft, 2015). Health care leaders must be able to work with colleagues, followers, patients, and any internal or external stakeholder different from them. Leaders must recognize that everyone, regardless of their background, have something to contribute.You will be required to explore cultural intelligence (CQ) in this assessment. Cultural intelligence refers to the idea that an individual can successfully read or interpret unfamiliar situations and verbal and non-verbal communication and respond appropriately (Daft, 2015).As a health care leader, you will work with people from different countries, different backgrounds, and different beliefs. It is important that you respect and understand people (patients, employees, physicians, and all stakeholders) who are different from you while operating in an environment of dynamic change and thus exceed the standards of care that patients deserve. Being aware of these cultural differences is one of the first steps to becoming an inclusive leader.ReferenceDaft, R. L. (2015). The leadership experience (6th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.Demonstration of ProficiencyBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 1: Assess one’s leadership style in a professional setting.Discuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Competency 2: Explain cultural competence and its relevance to health care management.Analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Competency 3: Analyze communication styles and its impact on teamwork and collaboration.Explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.PreparationThis assessment is based on the media piece in the Culture, Diversity, and Out-Groups in Leadership activity.To prepare to complete the assessment, work through the presentation and questionnaire in it. Reflect on the results by considering the following:Discuss the results of your cultural diversity assessment. What was your score? Were you surprised by the results?Discuss at least two areas of improvement that you would like to focus on over the next year.You may also want to begin conducting independent research using the Capella University Library for this assessment. View the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure you meet all grading criteria.InstructionsThis assessment has two main parts. The first is a self-reflection of your results on the questionnaire from the media piece, as well as a description of areas in which you would like to improve your skills with regards to cultural competence and diversity. The second part is an analysis of the various cultural components that go into leadership and how they drive teamwork and collaboration.Part 1: Cultural Competence Self-ReflectionRelevant Scoring Guide Criteria:Discuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.In this first part of the assessment, relate your findings and self-reflection with regards to the Culture, Diversity, and Out-Groups in Leadership media piece. Consider the following as you construct this part of your assessment:What was your score?Were you surprised by the results? If so, in what ways were you surprised?How was working through this exercise informative with regards to your current personal and professional cultural competence?Describe at least two areas of improvement that you would like to focus on over the next year.What potential benefits will you have in your career by improving in these areas?What plans do you have to ensure you are making progress towards improvement?Part 2: Analysis of Culture, Leadership, and TeamworkRelevant Scoring Guide Criteria:Analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.This second part of the assessment focuses on differentiating between various aspects of culture, examining how verbal and non-verbal communication can be impacted by cultural differences. It also explores how culturally competent leaders in an organization can help to encourage teamwork and collaboration. Consider the following as you work to complete this section:How does cultural competence impact teamwork and collaboration?Based on any relevant personal or professional experiences, what are the differences (if any) that you have observed with how individuals collaborate with the cultural competence of the organization or individuals?How are cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity related yet different?Why is it important for a health care leader to understand all?In what ways can verbal and non-verbal communication be misunderstood due to cultural differences?What are the potential impacts of these misunderstandings?How can a health care leader minimize these misunderstandings?Additional RequirementsStructure: Include a title page and a reference page.Length: 6–9 pages, not including the title and reference page.References: Cite at least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.Format: Use APA style for references and citations.You may wish to refer to the following APA resources to help with your structure, formatting, and style:APA Style and Format.APA Paper Tutorial.APA Paper Template.Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.SCORING GUIDEUse the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDECRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDDiscuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Does not discuss the results of cultural diversity assessment.Identifies the results of cultural diversity assessment.Discusses the results of cultural diversity assessment.Explains the results of cultural diversity assessment.Describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Does not describe areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Indicate areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Describes areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills.Analyzes areas of improvement of cultural diversity skills, providing examples of action.Analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Does not analyze the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Describes the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Analyzes the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Synthesizes the relationship between cultural competence, teamwork, and collaboration.Distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Does not distinguish between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Defines cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Distinguishes between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity.Distinguishes between cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural competence, and cultural sensitivity, and provides reasons why it is important for a health care leader to understand each.Explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Does not explain how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Identifies how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Explains how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences.Explains how verbal and non-verbal communication may be misunderstood due to cultural differences, and includes ways in which a health care leader can minimize these misunderstandings.Demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Does not demonstrate effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Demonstrates communication through writing and proper use of APA style with a few errors.Demonstrates effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style.Demonstrates effective communication through writing and proper use of APA style with no significant errors, and supports analysis.Communicate in a professional and effective manner, writing content clearly and logically, with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Does not communicate in a professional and effective manner. Written content is unclear or unorganized, and there are many errors in the use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Communication is not consistently professional, clear, and logical; there are errors in the use of grammar, punctuation, or spelling distract from the message.Communicates in a professional and effective manner; writes content clearly and logically with the correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.Communication is professional, effective, and insightful; content is clear, logical, and persuasive; grammar, punctuation, and spelling are without errors.

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