solved Journal #1 In this first journal activity, you may write

Journal #1
In this first journal activity, you may write about any topic(s) of your choice, but it is best to use the textbook to study.

For this activity, topics should address content covered in Chapters 1 – 8 in the textbook.

It is expected that, at a minimum, you are reading the assigned textbook chapters.
You are encouraged to read collateral historical writings on topics covered in the textbook.

This activity will consist of 10 separate journal entries; you will have a total of 20 entries by the end of the course.
Each separate entry should:

Be titled as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
Contain a minimum of 120 words.
Consist of a summary, paraphrase, and synthesis of material you are reading/studying in this course.
Be written in your own words – do not quote the work of others verbatim.
Discuss the subject matter that you are studying – do not simply agree/disagree.

Your study involves, first and foremost, learning the nation’s past; doing so requires a review of previously published studies, so you are encouraged to conduct research using outside resources, but be sure to draft your journal entries in your own words.

Direct quotations should not be used; citations are not necessary.
Do not copy/paste information from any source.
No citations
Grading Criteria for Journals
You will make two separate journal submissions during this course. Each submission will be worth 50 points.

Each submission will consist of 10 separate journal entries.
Save the file containing your first set of 10 entries in .rtf (rich text format) or as a .doc (word doc), and name the file Journal #1.
For clarity and ease, please title your entries as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
Each separate journal entry should be a minimum of 120 words in length.
Each entry should pertain to United States History prior to 1877.
Each entry should be written in your own words.
Submission of only half the required length/number of journals will earn half of the available points.
To gain a better understanding of journal entry expectations, please review the sample entry below:Entry 1What was the Declaration of Independence all about? It was written by Thomas Jefferson but was probably not signed on July 4th, 1776. It was written after hostilities had broken out. Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill had taken place a year earlier. Why so late? The reason might be that the colonies were not yet united in their response to Britain. Many did not want to leave the empire only a few years earlier they had boasted about. Also, taking on the powerful British empire with trained troops seemed almost impossible. Several of the condemnations in the declaration were not true, and they were addressed to King George III rather than Parliament, which had the real power. It is quite possible that the colonial leadership did not want to attack a representative institution even though it was hardly representative of the people of Britain. Still, the declaration won widespread approval and helped to unite the colonists.Note: You will notice that this entry is greater than 120 words in length.

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