solved Just a friendly reminder that the Literature Review is due

Just a friendly reminder that the Literature Review is due Mon. 4/5 at 11:59 PM. The purpose of the Lit Review is to give students an opportunity to demonstrate both knowledge of APA writing style and the ability to write a coherent paper using a mix of your own ideas and previous research. Please read the Lit Review Guidelines document in the Research Paper Info folder to help you with this assignment. You should take the summaries you wrote in your annotated bibliography and use them to create your lit review (check my grading comments). You’ll need to write an Introduction of your topic and discuss the research question you want to address and then state your specific hypothesis. The body of your lit review will use the information in your annotated bibliography to provide an argument in support of your research question and hypothesis.What to include in your Literature Review paper: 1. Title page (in APA format)2. Abstract (100-200 words)3. Literature Review a) Introduction of topic and research question b) Body of research from annotated bibliography (10 sources required) c) Specific testable hypothesis 4. References (APA format) — Lit Reviews should be 5-6 pages of text, not including title page, abstract, and references.Please submit your Lit Review paper to the Assignment link to be checked for has a two-step process of submission: 1. Upload paper, and 2. Submit paper. I will provide you with feedback on your Lit Review, and then you will have to figure out a way to develop a study to test your research question and hypothesis in the Method section. ๐Ÿ™‚ Please email me at if you have any questions. I know this is a difficult paper to complete, so get started now and email me if you are having trouble. The sooner you let me know you need help, the sooner I can help you. Also, for those of you who haven’t submitted your Annotated Bibliography yet — please submit something with words so I can grade it and give you some points. The annotated bibliography was designed as an easy assignment to give you points for completing it correctly! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am grading the Annotated Bibliographies and will provide you with feedback. Please review my feedback as soon as I’ve graded your summaries and email me if you have any questions about what I wrote. You can see my feedback if you go to the Assignments tab and click on the Annotated Bibliography link. Once you’ve opened up your paper, click on Feedback Summary (blue and white pencil image) to view my specific comments. I also wrote some comments throughout your papers (and indicated when your APA formatting was not correct). The Annotated Bibliography is REQUIRED and worth more than an exam, so please submit it ASAP if you haven’t yet. The Literature Review is due Mon. 4/5 at 11:59 PM. I recommend that you begin writing it as soon as possible because this writing assignment will be the most challenging one of the course. The purpose of the Lit Review is to give students an opportunity to demonstrate both knowledge of APA writing style and the ability to write a coherent paper using a mix of your own ideas and previous research. Please read the Lit Review Guidelines document in the Research Paper Info folder to help you with this assignment. You should take the summaries you wrote in your annotated bibliography and use them to create your lit review. Also, review Ch. 16 and Appendix D in your textbook for help writing your research paper. You’ll need to write an Introduction of your topic and discuss the research question you want to address and then state your specific hypothesis. The body of your lit review will use the information in your annotated bibliography to provide an argument in support of your research question and hypothesis. In addition, please use the Sample APA Paper document in the Research Paper Info folder for an example of how to format your paper in APA, as well as include the necessary requirements for a Lit Review. If you want to check on a specific aspect of APA formatting, you can also use the Purdue Owl APA Formatting website: What to include in your Literature Review paper: 1. Title page (in APA format)2. Abstract (100-200 words)3. Literature Review a) Introduction of topic and research question b) Body of research from annotated bibliography (10 sources required) c) Specific testable hypothesis 4. References (APA format) — Lit Reviews should be 5-6 pages of text, not including title page, abstract, and references.Please submit your Lit Review paper to the Assignment link to be checked for has a two-step process of submission: 1. Upload paper, and 2. Submit paper. I will provide you with feedback on your Lit Review and then you will add a Method section stating how you will collect data for your research question and hypothesis, so keep this in mind as you are writing your paper. You’ll have to figure out a way to develop a study to test your research question and hypothesis. Please email me at if you have any questions. I know this is a difficult paper to complete, so get started now and email me if you are having trouble. The sooner you let me know you need help, the sooner I can help you. ๐Ÿ™‚

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