solved Keiler L. S. (2018). Teachers’ roles and identities in student-centered

Keiler L. S. (2018). Teachers’ roles and identities in student-centered classrooms. International Journal of STEM education, 5(1), 34.…The article explores the effects of teachers on students when they teach in student-centered environments or approaches. Significantly, in denoting the effect of teachers on the life of students, the article notes that teachers who establish a student-centered classroom act as guides who encourage students on best practices to life and success measures instead of being enforcers and disciplinarians. Secondly, teachers are important pillars to students since they enable the students to make influential instructional academic and life decisions as they guide them. Teachers also diagnose students’ knowledge and gauge their understanding of the past and present academic issues for better facilitation and feedback provision. The selection of the research design and data collection methods supports the ability of the article to provide authentic feedback about the importance of teachers to students. Nevertheless, the article suffers from the use of small data from a narrow setting in assessing the effects of teachers on students.Johnson D. (2017). The Role of Teachers in Motivating Students to Learn. Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pp. 46-49’s article discusses the role that a teacher has in motivating the student to learn. Largely, Johnson notes that one of the roles of a teacher in motivating students includes creating a conducive environment that supports their learning. Secondly, the teacher motivates students to learn by encouraging them and supporting the student’s autonomy. Additionally, the teacher develops the student’s interest in the subjects being taught, competence as well as self-efficacy perception. The strength of the article is that it relies on well-researched data from secondary sources to back up the stated points. Nevertheless, the article lacks authenticity since no experiment is shown backing the roles of the teacher in motivating students.Murati R. The role of the teacher in the educational process. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education. Volume 5, Issue 2, Pp. 75-78…The article describes the impact of a teacher on the life of a student from the education and professional dimension as well as the dimension of changing schools as an institution. In regards to the role of the teacher to a student, the teacher plans and manages the learning process to ensure that students get the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Secondly, the teacher inculcates civic and national values to students to make them morally upright people in society. The teacher is also important to the student since h/she fulfills the purpose of educating them about educational and life matters because the teacher has knowledge and experience about different aspects of life. Despite the article being clear on the effects of a teacher on a student, it lacks potential depth since in-depth research is not done to back up most of the provided talking points.Lars Dietrich, David Zimmermann & Josef Hofman (2020) The importance of teacher-student relationships in classrooms with ‘difficult’ students: a multi-level moderation analysis of nine Berlin secondary schools, European Journal of Special Needs Education.…The article evaluates the achievement-related outcomes as well as the social-emotional effects of a teacher on the life of a student. One of the themes noted in the article is that the selection of quality teaching techniques impacts feelings of efficacy, the joy of learning, and a sense of purpose in a student. The other noted theme is that teachers help in fostering the behavior of students through developing their emotions and thoughts based on how they create the learning environment. The article also notes that teachers develop and foster the social-emotional wellbeing of students since how a teacher treats a student affects how the student treats a fellow. The article is authentic since it uses results from an experiment carried out on students and teachers about the essence of teacher figures to students

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