solved Learning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business project and need a sample draft to help me learn.Sensitivity AnalysisIn sheet “Data table & scenario manager”, after you have followed the course videos to create one-input data table and two-input data table, on the same page, create another two-input data table as a sensitivity analysis. We want to see how purchasing price and tax rate together affect after-tax income. Use a two-input data table to show After-tax income as a function of purchasing price ($5, $6, …$13) and tax rate (30%, 32%, …40%).According to syllabus, when you submit the assignment, please submit the entire module file, you are expected to complete not just this assignment, but also all the class work prior to the assignment in order to receive full credit.I will give you my Credentials for the class work log in.M1 Assignment – Sensitivity Analysis RubricSuccessfully created ranges for 2 input variables1 ptSuccessfully linked the result cell1 ptSuccessfully completed the data table2 ptsFormatted and labeled cells appropriately1 ptTotal5 ptsIf you didn’t complete all the class work prior to this sheet-2 ptsAll tutors provide: high quality help, quick responsive communication, original explanations and answers with any

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