solved Link- this paper, y

Link- this paper, you will conduct an experiment based on your reading about Judy Burgoon’s Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT) and present an analysis of your experience using the theory.The Experiment: You may pick one of the following options…Violate an expectancy of someone whom you know. For instance, your roommate knows you are a messy person and typically expects you to leave dirty dishes everywhere; however, you violate her expectations by cleaning your entire house.Violate an expectancy of someone whom you do not know by breaking a social norm. Specific social norms exist in every society. A social norm is a silent rule indicating how individuals are expected to behave in specific situations. For example, in most of the United States, when you walk into an elevator you are expected to silently face the elevator doors and have no communication or minimal communication with those around you. You could choose to do the opposite.Be sure to challenge yourself in this experiment and choose a violation that is legal and not relationally damaging, unique (not something you think others would choose to do), and likely to get a response worth writing about.The Paper: After you have violated someone’s expectations, you will write about your experience and analyze it using concepts from expectancy violations theory (EVT) and other relevant course concepts. You should apply at least three distinct core concepts from EVT theory to your experience, offering an explanation of these concepts as you apply them. If necessary/useful, make connections to other ideas from the course so far. In short, your paper should:briefly explain what you did, why you choose the expectancy, and how what you did violated expectationsdescribe how others responded to the violation, as well as your reactions before, during, and.or after the event (e.g., what did you learn from the experience?).analyze the experience using at least three core concepts from EVT.Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, and around 1,000 words. The largest portion of your paper should be devoted to your analysis. Your paper should have a clear introduction and conclusion. It should also have a clear point, meaning somewhere near the beginning you should have a thesis statement that clearly explains the point you will make in the paper (you may not know this right away). Any material drawn from outside of your own head should be cited in the paper.I strongly recommend outlining before you write and proofreading before you submit to ensure your best, most readable work.Grading: When I grade your paper, while following the grading rubric in the resources folder I will also ask myself the following questions (hint, you might want to use this as a checklist).Do they have a clear introduction and conclusion?Do they have a clear point to the paper?Do they address at least 3 EVT core concepts?Are these explained accurately in the paper?Are these applied accurately and adequately to the story?Does the evidence supplied in their application make sense?Does the paper follow all directions (e.g. length, format)?Do they have any writing or proofreading issues in the paper?Did they cite all class material used throughout the paper?

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