solved Media Literacy Critical Viewing #2In his book Persuasion: Reception and

Media Literacy Critical Viewing #2In his book Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility, Charles U. Larson introduces us to Rank’s Model of Persuasion. Researcher and theorist Hugh Rank outlined a model that teaches the public how to be more media literate when it comes to persuasive messages (i.e. advertisements). For your paper, you will choose one or two commercials from the choices below and identify how the two major strategies (intensify and downplay) identified in Rank’s model, as well as the tactics that branch out from said strategies, are utilized. Students are also encouraged to compare and contrast the tactics/strategies used if you decide to deconstruct two advertisements. Feel free to use any concepts or criticisms from Chapter 11 in Media Literacy which you think may enhance your argument. Feel free to compare and contrast the tactics/strategies used if you decide to deconstruct two advertisements.In this paper, you are constructing a thesis in support of Rank’s outline and demonstrating that you have become a “critical receiver” in regard to commercial advertisements. The paper must use evidence from the ads to support the claims made. Make sure the paper mentions which advertisement(s) you have used.An “A” paper will achieve the following:undefinedDemonstrate your understanding of the claims made by Rank that you’ve chosen to use in your paper, using both Rank and Potter’s words and your own, as appropriate, to set up your thesis.Use description to recreate for the reader those scenes or elements you feel support Rank’s argument. BE SPECIFIC. Use your analysis of the advertisement to support Rank’s argument. The only evidence I want to see supporting your claim in your paper should come from Rank and from the campaign ads you chose to examine. Hint: often times these advertisements will use multiple strategies and tactics from Rank’s model. Just studying composition alone can yield a TON of content to analyze.Write clearly and persuasively, demonstrating solid use of the written English language. Please use Writing Services if I said your last paper had significant problems with grammar and sentence structure.CHOOSE AD OR COMMERCIAL FROM ONE OF THESE WEBSITES!! Paper Requirements (and a suggestion or two):1. In this essay, you will present a thesis and then, argue for it in the rest of the paper. A thesis statement is a single declarative statement that expresses the main point you wish to make about the topic, such as: undefined “This essay will demonstrate that the persuasion strategies and tactics observed in Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” commercial support Rank’s Model Persuasion through…” undefinedIt is often a good idea to follow this with a statement summarizing the arguments you will make, in the order you will make them. undefined2. By argue, I mean that you will present reasons (how and why you think some way about something) supported by evidence (examples drawn from your viewing and reading). The evidence should support your reasons, and your reasons and evidence should support your thesis. undefined3. If you cite other people’s ideas (and you will), you must credit them. You cannot claim these ideas as your own. Thus, you are required to use citations to identify both whose idea you are citing and exactly where this idea appears. The Department of Communication uses the APA style for its papers (a Writing Guide is available in the department office). undefined4. Spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and the persuasiveness of your arguments will all be considered in your essay grade, as they should be in a university environment. If you need or want help in this area, Monmouth University has a writing center in the Student Center that can assist you. Papers will be typed, double-spaced, with appropriate 1” margins and font size (10-12 point) and will be between 3 and 5 FULL pages in length. undefined5. If you had trouble with your last paper, stop by my office to discuss the next. undefined6. Late papers will be penalized 10% of face value for each working day the paper is late.undefined7. According to current APA citation guidelines, a video should becited as a web document:undefinedTitle of document

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