solved Museum Paper InstructionsArizona College is about to build a brand-new

Museum Paper InstructionsArizona College is about to build a brand-new art museum on campus and has been endowed with a significant sum of money for the purchase of new works of art (this is not really true!).As a student at the college and art expert, you have been asked to help the curatorial team select two new artworks for our growing collection. You will need to go online to a museum’s listed below and choose two works that you think would be most appropriate for the context of our museum. You will need to write a letter to the curatorial committee describing each work and explaining why you think it would be a good choice for our museum. “I think it’s really pretty” would not be a valid argument nor is monetary value of a given work.In support of the works you chose tell the committee about the formal qualities or the work, the content, and why it would fit into the context of a museum visited mostly by Arizona College students and members of the local community.Make the works enticing for our committee—you want to convince them that you have made the right choice! Again, the committee is most interested in historically important and interesting artworks and not the monetary value or the subjective beauty of the objects. Be sure to mention the artist (if known), title and date of each piece and briefly describe the style and what each depicts.You may want to mention in your letter where, how, or for whom the works were made as well as how they were used. Be sure to discuss the cultural and political factors that contributed to the inception of each piece. Briefly explain the narrative (if one exists) and highlight the most important and interesting aspects of the work. Be sure to include your own observations and ideas about each work. Do not rephrase or quote excessively from the museum’s literature. (the collector won’t be impressed!)The paper should be three- pages in length and must be typed and double-spaced (750-800 words). Papers with more than one-inch margins or a font size less or greater than 12 points will not be accepted.Please note that titles of artworks should be italicized or underlined.Proofreading is also essential as spell check does not catch everything (i.e. their/there, peace/piece). The essay needs a thesis sentence, proper agreement of nouns and verbs, verb tense agreement, correct spelling, correct punctuation, and a conclusion. You also should demonstrate your ability to use specific art history terms when necessary.If you need help expressing your ideas you can go to the Writing Center (room 808 in the library) for technical advice on grammar, format, etc., (Also, online resources available!). You must use proper Chicago Manual of Style footnote citation format for all of your sources (see the paper citation guidelines) and include a bibliography that lists at least two online sources in addition to your textbook. What to footnote? Historical facts, definitions of terms or anything that can be considered common knowledge does not need to be cited.For example, Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492 is a known fact and does not need a footnote. However, an interpretation that is not fact but one person’s opinion must be cited.Since an interpretation is debatable and not a provable fact you must cite the author as the originator of this idea. Give credit where credit is due.Observations, IDEAS, opinions or interpretations that are taken from another source EVEN if you put those ideas into your own words MUST be footnoted in the same way as a direct quote. Footnotes should appear at the end of the sentence (not the paragraph) that includes the cited information.[1] For subsequent footnotes that draw from the same source, the author’s name and page number will suffice.[2] If the subsequent footnote is a reference to the same author and the same page number as the one that came immediately before then the term ibid is used.[3]Suggested Museum websites to visit:The Bowers Museum, Santa Ana (Modern and contemporary art/exhibitions): Museum of Contemporary Art Grand Avenue, MOCA, L.A. (Modern and contemporary art): Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA): Broad (Modern and contemporary art): https://www.thebroad.orgThe Getty Villa (Ancient Greek and Roman art): This is a creative project so have fun with your choices! [1] Henry M. Sayre, Writing about Art (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995), 76-83.[1] Sayre, 81.[1] Ibid.

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