solved MY GOAL: My goal this semester is to develop an

MY GOAL: My goal this semester is to develop an educational project about health promotion to assist children with obesity submit at least one goal and at least 3 typewritten personal behavioral objectives to his/her clinical faculty. Behavioral objectives may be in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. One or more of each is preferable.DirectionsThe Big Goal follow the following steps:1.Analyze the problem or the issue2.Find out what is causing concern, and break the issue down into its components “Patients with Diabetes.”3.Identified the Stakeholders (‘key players’ or main stakeholders and invite them to be part of the project) “Talk to the Diabetes educator”4.Know your target group (a group, for example, adolescents with Type I DM)5.Understand the characteristics of your target group “recently diagnosed diabetes patient” “Pre-menopausal women at risk for diabetes.”6.Determine the goals and objectives7.Determine the result you want from your community education project. Define this in terms of a goal, educational objectives, and desired outcomes8.The goal or aim of your project is a broad statement of what you want to achieveObjectivesDefine your educational objectives in terms of the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and practices you want the target group to adopt to achieve the goal.Consider This:SMART:1.Specific: Clearly state the issue, the target group, the time and place of the activity.2.Measurable: Be clear in the objective of what will be changed and by how much. Setting this clearly at the start makes it easier to evaluate: Example of a measurable goal “within the next six weeks, I will develop a health literacy program for at-risk of amputation diabetic patients in the community. I will survey at the end of the program, 80% of participants will answer at least five questions correctly in the survey.”3.Achievable: Be realistic about what the project achieves in terms of the scale/scope of what is being done, time, and resources available.4.Relevant: Objectives need to relate to and be relevant to the goals. Remember objectives are the building blocks/steps toward meeting the goals5.Time Specific: Be clear in the objectives about the timeframe in which the program/activities, as well as expected changes, will take place1.Goal statements “identify” the specific target group and provide the “what” information as distinct from the “how” the goal will be achieved or when it will come about. 2.Objectives are the building blocks or steps towards achieving a program’s goals. Objectives are specific and concise statements that state who will make what change, by how much, where, and by when.Identifies the target groupStates the result (change)Specifies the degree of change in measurable terms (degree)Identifies when the will happen (time)

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