solved my topic is Personality.. Topics:Personality or IntelligenceFormatAssignment are to be
my topic is Personality.. Topics:Personality or IntelligenceFormatAssignment are to be presented to the class as whole. Each group presents for 10 minutes. They must use PowerPoint and have a written script of the oral presentation.Requirements and marks allocatedAssignment must conform closely to the slides on blackboard for the topic chosen and must cover:Definition of major concepts – E.g. Intelligence, measurement,- personality, assessmentThe major theories/theorists – Intelligence: Alfred Binet (1881), Wechsler, Spearman, Gardner, Anderson, Sternberg’striarchic theory, Genetics & Intelligence.- Psychoanalytic approach, Behaviourist approach, Cognitive approach, Humanist approach,evolutionary approach.-An example of application – Measuring and assessing learning disability- Personality assessment toolsDiscussion – strengths and weaknesses of the main ideas- Evaluating at least two theories/theorists from the above in terms of their strengths andweaknesses
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