solved Nevil Shute has introduced us to a variety of characters

Nevil Shute has introduced us to a variety of characters all of whom seem very “normal” despite the fact that the situation in which they find themselves is NOT at all “normal.” He has provided insight to the reader as to how they interact, and he has also included us in how and what they think. As you have observed their “interactions” with each other, you now have the opportunity to analyze, explain, and determine not only how they deal with their predicament but also how they have accepted (or not accepted) the cards they have been dealt. Think deeply about these two characters; specifically, who they are; with what they have to deal (personally) and formulate a hypothesis by connecting how they have prepared for the end and justifying the steps you believe or can prove they have taken to “settle.” By way of example only, you DO NOT have to limit yourself to these “ideas” as they are only meant to serve as “examples” to endless possibilities with which you can begin or elaborate. Examples: INTEGRITY, FATE, ACCEPTANCE, DENIAL, HATE, TRUST, SATISFACTION, LOVE, etc.Peter Holmes AND Mary Holmes REQUIREMENTS: DO NOT USE CONJUNCTIONS. AVOID YOUR OWN OPINION. CITE YOUR SOURCES. DO NOT END SENTENCES IN A PREPOSTION. AVOID BASIC WORDS OR VOCABULARY.

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