solved Note 1: You will not be able to post to

Note 1: You will not be able to post to this Discussion topic until you’ve gone through all the Module lessons for this week.Note 2: This topic closes at 11:59 pm on Sunday night. Please participate in the discussion from Monday – Friday so that your classmates can interact with you, your professor can provide real-time feedback, and you can take off the weekend. Everyone’s a winner!First, after you’ve browsed the poem links, read seven poems in detail. Then jump in here and call dibs on the one poem you wish to analyze.If someone else already called dibs on that poem, then please select a different one.You’re encouraged to reply to your classmate’s post about that poem, of course!Next, write an original post about your poem that responds thoughtfully to these prompts:Tell us about your history with poetry. Why did you like or dislike it when you read it in high school? Do you read or write it now? Please recommend a favorite poem (even a children’s poem) that’s not on my list. Summarize the poem you selected this week in two to three sentences.Please quote two or three memorable or “golden” lines from that poem.Tell us any words, phrases, lines, or other passages that confused you. Quote those, too, so your savvy classmates can help explicate them. (Literary interpretation is known as exegesis or hermeneutics, by the way!)Finally, reply substantively (not just to say “good choice”) at least two times to your classmates: comment analytically on their selected poems and golden lines, and offer guidance that helps mollify any perplexity!Throughout the work week, please review my feedback on your classmates’ discussion posts and on your own. These writing exercises are public because you can learn much from observing others’ writing techniques and revisions. Thank you!Learning outcomes: Use effective communication and interpersonal skills. Use argumentative strategies. Poetry discussion rubric/3 a substantive, grammatically correct response to the poem prompts/2 two meaningful, grammatically correct responses to classmates and/or Prof. Davis/5 TOTAL- Alone,” by Edgar Allen Poe:

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