solved NURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationNURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterio

NURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationNURS_110 – Rubric: PresentationCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsInformation thoroughly and completely addresses all elements of the assignment. Ideas are pertinent, accurate, well formulated, and well supported.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsInformation is complete. Ideas are pertinent, accurate, well formulated and supported.4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsInformation is pertinent, but minor elements of the assignment are not addressed, and/or ideas are not well formulated or supported.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsKey elements of the assignment are not addressed, and/or some information is inaccurate.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and Citations8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsReference material is strong; current (within 3 years); and incorporated logically, insightfully, and elegantly to support ideas; and sources are documented accurately.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsReferences material is adequate, current (within 5 years), and used proficiently; and sources are documented accurately.4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsSome reference material is weak, out of date (more than 5 years old), or not clearly pertinent. Sources are documented accurately, for the most part.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsReference material is inappropriate or lacking; and/or documentation is incorrect or lacking.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsOrganization of the content is logical with fluid transitions that capture and hold attention throughout entire presentation.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsOrganization of the content is consistently logical making it easy to understand, and transitions are evident4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsOrganization of the content is inconsistent, sometimes logical and sometimes not logical. Transitions are not always evident.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsOrganization of the content is not logical and/or some or all transitions are lacking.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsHighly creative, and original. Excellent use of audiovisual aid that captures the audience’s interest and engages them while clearly reflecting the purpose of the presentation.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsCreative and original. Good use of audiovisual aids that hold the audience’s attention and clearly reflect the purpose of the presentation.4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsDemonstrates some creativity or originality. Use of audiovisual aids that holds the audience’s attention most, but not all of the time.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsLacking in creativity and originality. More audiovisual aids are needed. Does not hold the audience’s attention.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunication8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsLanguage is memorable and felicitous. Voice is clear, loud, and articulate. Gestures and paralinguistic cues are used to reinforce important ideas and6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsLanguage is memorable and appropriate. Voice is clear, audible, and articulate. Gestures and paralinguistic cues are used appropriately to4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsLanguage is just adequate, voice is difficult to hear or understand at times, gestures and paralinguistic cues to reinforce ideas are seldom2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsLanguage is mundane, voice is difficult to hear or understand much of the time, tone is inappropriate, gestures and cues are not used to8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnection8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsEye contact is well established and natural. Does not refer to written notes. Uses conversational style. Strong connection with the audience. Lively and meaningful interaction takes place.6.46 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsEye contact is consistent. Refers to written notes only occasionally. Speaks to audience and has a clear connection with some meaningful interaction4.25 ptsApproaches ExpectationsEye contact is inconsistent, refers to written notes frequently, and/or has a weak connection to the audience with minimal pertinent interaction.2.14 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsEye contact is hardly established, refers to notes constantly, lacks a connection with the audience, and/or no or inappropriate interaction takes place.8.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTiming8 ptsMeets ExpectationsPresentation completed in the allotted time.6.08 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsPresentation completed no more than 1 minute over allotted time.4 ptsApproaches ExpectationsPresentation completed no more than 3 minutes over allotted time.2.01 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsPresentation was more than 5 minutes over or under the allotted time.8 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalism8 ptsMeets ExpectationsProfessionally dressed, polished appearance, with good posture and a confident but humble demeanor.6.08 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsProfessionally dressed, well groomed, with good posture and a secure demeanor.4 ptsApproaches ExpectationsSomewhat casually dressed, and/or posture and movement reflecting lack of confidence.2 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsExtremely casually or provocatively dressed, unkempt, and/or inappropriate body language.8 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHandout8 ptsMeets ExpectationsWell written, appealing, and interesting with proper grammar, and spelling. Excellent use of professional terminology and formatting.6.08 ptsMostly Meets ExpectationsWell written, clear and easy to understand with proper grammar and spelling. Use of terminology consistent with university level expectations and the profession. Formatting adequate.4 ptsApproaches ExpectationsAdequately written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors, use of terminology sometimes not consistent with university or professional expectations, and/or poor formatting.2.01 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsNot well written, not pertinent, having many or major grammatical or spelling errors, and/or having some inadequate or inappropriate terminology.8 ptsTotal Points: 75PreviousNext

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