solved Objective: Outline your essay as part of the writing process

Objective: Outline your essay as part of the writing process will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. Directions: Step 1: ReviewWhat is Outlining?Outlining is an important step in the writing process. An outline is a breakdown of the main and supporting ideas in your essay, report, or speech. Think of it as a map of your paper.Why Outline?Clarify Thoughts and Develop Ideas: The blank page can be intimidating. Writing an outline can help you get over any initial writer’s block when starting a writing project. An outline can also be used as a brainstorming tool, helping you to develop your thoughts so you know just what it is you want to write. An outline can help you to clarify your thoughts, as well. What may start as a simple topic or general idea can become a specific argument with supporting details as you plan out your ideas and structure before you start writing the actual text.Identify Weaknesses in Argument: Outlines break down a text into its main ideas and its supporting arguments or supporting details. As you write an outline of a proposed writing project, it can help you identify weaknesses in your argument. You may realize that you don’t have a supporting detail for a main idea or that the support you have proposed is not strong enough. An outline may also help you identify points that are out of place, such as a supporting detail in the third paragraph that should really be in the first paragraph.Organize Ideas to Stay on Target: When you write without an outline, it is easy for papers and other writing projects to become unfocused. Not only might supporting details be misplaced or missing, but the argument may go off on a tangent, including personal anecdotes, trivia or information that is related to the topic but does not advance the argument. Writing an outline helps you ensure that your writing stays focused, and it can help you to organize your ideas so that they make the most impact. For example, it may be necessary to include a strong supporting detail right at the start to grab readers’ attention, or you may find that a strong detail is best left to the end so the essay can go out on a bang.Save Time: An outline can create a step-by-step guide that makes the actual writing easier while saving you time. Once you finalize the outline, you can use it to write each paragraph of the paper. You may even be able to use the sentences from the outline to fill in the opening for each paragraph and the supporting details. Once a complete outline is written, the actual project will mostly involve expanding and connecting the ideas together so they flow from one to the next, and, when writing research papers, adding citations and references where necessary. By the time you start the actual writing process, you should have been able to work out any issues with the argument and the organization, so you shouldn’t have to waste time revising a paper that is weak and unfocused.Step 2: Outline Download and fill in the outline below with the content for your essay. The outline should be thorough and should include the evidence from your scan, cited in proper MLA format. Essay 3 Outline TemplateActionsMinimise file preview

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