solved OBJECTIVE: The subject of your work will be to investigate

The subject of your work will be to investigate one of the following topics and artists from 20th century art and history.  How did artists in the 20th century innovate and change the subjects and forms used in visual art?  How were they impacted by the events of their time? How do you feel about the art that was produced? These artists are from Chapter 24 in the Gardner’s Art Through the Agestextbook.  For this assignment, you have a choice of doing a short visual presentation or a short paper.  
Expressionism: Matisse and the Fauves
German Expressionism: Kirchner and The Bridge
German Expressionism: Kandinsky and The Blue Rider
Cubism and Primitivism: Picasso
Analytical and Synthetic Cubism: Picasso and Braque
Italian Futurism (Balla or Boccioni)
Dada: Marcel Duchamp and the Machine
Art and Revolution: Russian Suprematism (Malevich) and or Constructivism (Tatlin)
American Modernism (O’Keeffe, Dove, or Hartley)
The Harlem Renaissance: Aaron Douglas
Surrealism (Ernst, Dali, Magritte, Miro, or Lam)
DeStijl: Mondrian and Neoplasticism
American Regionalism (Wood or Benton)
Mexican Muralists (Orozco, Rivera, or Siqueiros)
Photography and Modernism (Stieglitz or Weston)
Modern Sculpture (Brancusi or Calder)
Content of Paper or Presentation
Include the following 6 parts to your presentation or paper: Artist, Subject, Visual Elements, Historical Context, Personal Response, and Bibliography.       

Select one or more artists who have created work about the topic. Consider how the artist(s)’ life or training contributed to their interest in the subject.
A. Who was the artist and why did they make the art they did?
B. What did the artist and or contemporary critics say about specific artworks or the art movement?

Art works:
A. Subject
1. Describe what is depicted in 1-3 works of art and why the subject is (or is not) important.
2. Consider how the art was used to forward a particular point of view or any symbols in the iconography.
B. Visual Art Elements
1. How do the formal or visual art elements contribute to the art work’s meaning?
2. How does the art represent its particular art movement?

A. What are the historical circumstances surrounding this art in the 20th century?
B. How did the context impact the art? Or how does the art reflect the historical context? How did it effect people?

Personal responses:
1. You can also consider how the art and or the issues presented effect people in the 21st century.
2. How did seeing representations of the subject and researching it increase your understanding of the art and of the historical issues or time period?

Bibliography with research used:
Include a bibliography in which you cite the sources of your research.  You can include the textbook, but also need to look beyond it with at least one or two other sources.  The bibliography should be in the MLA format.   Click the hyperlink for the LBCC Library MLA Citation Guide (Links to an external site.).

Research Process:
When conducting research, use the textbook as a starting point, but also use 1-2 other online sources.  You can use websites – museums often have good information.  You can also use the LBCC Library databases for e-books, online encyclopedias, scholarly journals or magazines. See possible databases below.
Option 1:  Presentation
The presentation format could be powerpoint, prezi, google or other presentation program.  Include at least 6 slides (and not more than 15). You need at least one slide for each part, but it is not mandatory to answer all of the questions.  Have visual images of the art; you can also have details of the art, images of the artist, images that connect to historical context or societal impact, etc.  Summarize the information into short paragraphs or bullet points (using full sentences). 
Option 2: Paper
If you are doing a paper, write in an essay format with an introduction and conclusion.  You need at least a paragraph for each part and the bibliography.  The written paper should be 2-3 pages. Use 12 pt. Times font, double spaced, with 1 inch margins.  It is not mandatory to answer all of the questions.  

Possible research sources in the databases on the LBCC Library site:
Academic Search (EBSCO host)
American History & Life (EBSCO host)
American History Online
ARTSTOR Digital Image Library database  (for visual images)
Arts and Science Collection (JSTOR)
Digital Black History
Diversity Studies
E-Books (EBSCO host)
Fine Arts (Gale OneFile)
Modern World History Online
Popular Culture Studies (Gale OneFile)
Proquest (check the box for scholarly journals)
SIRS Renaissance
U S History (Gale OneFile)
World History (Gale OneFile)

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