solved Objective:This course deals with the correlations between our histotechnological procedures

Objective:This course deals with the correlations between our histotechnological procedures and the many disease states that can exist within the human body. It is important for the histologist to be able to understand how these diseases affect tissues within ourbodies and how we help support the pathologist in the diagnosis of these diseases with specific procedures. There is a ‘trust’ that must exist between the pathologist and histologist in the pathology lab. This trust is two-fold; a trust that the histologist can follow procedures correctly and that they can recognize correct staining characteristic and patterns for any specialized tests (special stains and immunohistochemistry). You MUST learn cellular detail in order to troubleshoot anything that you recognize as incorrect. For you project you will research one of the assigned disease states. 1.Your assigned disease (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor )2.You will research your assigned disease state and compile a research paper.3.The paper must include an introduction, body, and summary as a document and not divided by subtitles. The paper must be typed double-spaced.4.Your name and Course Number will be in the upper left corner of your paper with the title 2 lines below and centered. The paper will be 3-4 pages in length.5.Included in your paper will be a picture of an H&E stained slide demonstrating “normal” tissue. An additional picture will be submitted of an immunohistochemical stain demonstrating the “abnormal” disease state. These two pictures will be of the same tissue type. (i.e., lung tissue …one H&E and one IHC)a.Example: if you are assigned the disease state “adenocarcinoma” you must find an H&E stained slide of normal tissue and then an immunohistochemistry stained slide of the same tissue type demonstrating the diseased state. (for example, lung tissue)b.HINT: your research into the diseased state will tell you which tissue type of tissue is likely to exhibit the specific disease statec.Once you have found your tissue type that most likely demonstrates your assigned disease state and you choose your pictures, I want you to tell me what is being stained (demonstrated) in each picture.i.Example… H&E stain shows that in normal lung tissue you will see ______.ii.In this disease state, my immunohistochemistry shows that the antibody stains______.6.NOTE: In order to answer these questions you will have to study the cellular detail and know the staining characteristics of the immunohistochemistry stain. This can befound during your research of antibodies utilized for the demonstration of the disease state.7.Second note: Multiple antibodies can be utilized for one disease state (melanoma can be demonstrated by the use of S100, HMB-45, Melan A and others). ONLY research ONE antibody to demonstrate the diseas8.The websites for your pictures must be included at the end of your paper. One internet website must be included in the body of the paper.9.The last page must be the reference page and must include a minimum of two other references besides the internet-required reference. All references must follow the APA or MLA format of citation.

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