solved ObjectiveYou will create a presentation about a member country of

ObjectiveYou will create a presentation about a member country of the EU that shows researched information and will develop an argument to rationalize the country’s membership in the EU.InstructionsChoose a country from the map above. Pretend that you are going to represent your selected country at a European Union meeting. You will attend the meeting whether or not your country is an EU member.Your goal at the EU meeting is to explain to other country representatives your selected country’s position on the EU (whether or not it wants to participate and why, or how it likes being a part of the EU if it already is) and what your selected country might do to be a better member of the European community (e.g., cleaning up the environment or reducing social problems).Do research on the following topics regarding your selected country:EU Status – the country’s status with and attitude toward the EUEnvironment – current environmental problems within the selected countrySocial Situation – current social problems, such as tensions with immigrant or minority groupsCreate a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, (opens in a new window) and include the information researched according to No. 3 instruction.
Your presentation should have three headings or sections with at least two slides each and illustrated with pictures or images:EU StatusEnvironmentSocial SituationThere is no limit as to the number of slides to show the information you gathered for each heading or section. On a separate slide, address the EU with your plea or argument according to your selected country’s situation: (at least a paragraph)(If your selected country is not a member of the EU) – Explain why your country wants to participate.(If your selected country is already a member of the EU) – Describe how your country likes being a part of the EU. (Whether a member or not) – Discuss what your selected country might do to be a better member of the European community.On the last slide, include a bibliography of at least three sources of your information by providing the URLs and webpage titles in MLA citation format. Use Easy Bib (opens in a new window) to help you create correct MLA citations. Make sure to include the website URL in your citation.Submit the completed presentation to the submission box. See the rubric below and make sure to follow all criteria. This assignment is worth 80 points.Marking Guide Check the Marking Guide below and follow the criteria for a perfect score:Country Membership in the European Union Marking GuideCriteriaPoints Used multimedia presentation software, such as PowerPoint, to complete the assignment 10Presented slides that contain information on the selected country covering the following topics and are illustrated with pictures or images:EU Status – the country’s status with and attitude toward the EUEnvironment – current environmental problems within the selected countrySocial Situation – current social problems, such as tensions with immigrant or minority groups30Presented a slide that showed plea or argument in at least a paragraph according to the selected country’s situation:(If selected country is not a member of the EU) – Explained why selected country wants to participate.(If selected country is already a member of the EU) – Described how selected country likes being a part of the EU.(Whether a member or not) – Discussed what selected country might do to be a better member of the European community.20Used MLA citation format for the bibliography of at least three sources of research information and provided the URLs and webpage titles10Followed correct conventions in grammar, structure, and spelling10Total80

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