solved OverviewActivityDue DateFormatGrading PercentHealth and Wellness Jobs and Career GoalsDay 3(1

OverviewActivityDue DateFormatGrading PercentHealth and Wellness Jobs and Career GoalsDay 3(1st Post)Discussion Forum4Certifications and Professional OrganizationsDay 3(1st Post)Discussion Forum4Corporate Wellness Question and Answer AssignmentDay 7Assignment14Learning OutcomesThis week students will:Analyze job opportunities in the health and wellness field.Evaluate the importance of joining a professional organization.Evaluate the importance of obtaining relevant certifications and credentials.Assess corporate wellness programs and their effectiveness.IntroductionCongratulations on making it to Week 3 in HWE 498! This week focuses on your specific career goals and available job opportunities in the health and wellness arena. You will have a chance to research specific jobs of interest to you and examine the relating job requirements and benefits. In addition, professional organizations and certifications will be discussed and their respective benefits will be evaluated. Lastly, you will get an opportunity to analyze corporate wellness programs and some of the essential components entailed in such initiatives. The effectiveness of corporate wellness programs will be assessed via the examination of a case study.Required ResourcesArticlesAnderko, L., Roffenbender, J., Goetzel, R., Millard, F., Wildenhause, K., DeSantis, C., & Novelli, W. (2012). Promoting prevention through the Affordable Care Act: Workplace Wellness (Links to an external site.). Preventing Chronic Disease, 9 (E175). article discusses improving health and wellness at the workplace through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).Accessibility Statement does not exist. This article will assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week.Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)RAND Corporation (2013). Workplace wellness programs study (Links to an external site.). Rand Health Quarterly, 3(2). Retrieved from…This report discusses the characteristics and impacts of worksite wellness programs as well as the effects on employee health and healthcare costs. Case studies and relevant examples are included in this report, along with data on effectiveness. This article will assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week.Accessibility Statement does not existPrivacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Scholnik, J. (2013, September). 5 benefits of joining a professional association (Links to an external site.). USA Today. Retrieved from…This author discusses five benefits of joining a professional organization. The article is targeted toward students. This article will assist you in the Certifications and Professional Organizations Discussion this week.Accessibility Statement does not exist.Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)MultimediaDonohue, D. (2014, March 11). Safeway – Corporate wellness initiative (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from This video highlights wellness initiatives taken by Safeway. Data on the wellness program and its impacts on employee health are included. This media will assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week.Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Web PagesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (2015). Essential elements of effective workplace programs and policies for improving worker health and wellbeing (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from website entails a comprehensive guide for employers and other professionals who attempt to create effective worksite wellness programs. Relevant components of effective programs are discussed, along with practical recommendations for implementation. This webpage will assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week.Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Johnson & Johnson. (2018). Our approach in health and wellness (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from site provides some in insight into Johnson & Johnson’s employee wellness efforts and the effectiveness of such actions. This webpage will assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week. Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Johnson & Johnson (2016). Protecting our people (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from site highlights current resources and initiatives implemented by Johnson & Johnson for the promotion of health and wellness among its employees. This webpage will assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week.Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Recommended ResourcesArticlesCenters for Disease Control. (2017). Healthy communities program (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from…This handbook, created by the Partnership for Prevention and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, entails specific recommendation for health practitioners and other health and wellness professionals regarding the implementation of effective intervention and health promotion strategies. Specific action guides are included. This webpage may assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week.Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)Texas Department of State Health Services (n.d.). Cardiovascular health and wellness program (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from…This document offers tips when creating specific worksite wellness programs. Worksite policies are addressed and additional tools and resources are included. This webpage may assist you in the Corporate Wellness Question and Answer Assignment this week.WebsitesO*Net OnLine (Links to an external site.). ( website allows users to search for specific occupations and learn more about the typical knowledge, skills, abilities, requirements, and setting of a chosen occupation. This webpage may assist you in the Health and Wellness and Jobs and Career Goals Discussion this week.University of Arizona Global CampusGuidance for HWE 498Health and Wellness CapstoneWeek 4Week 4 OverviewActivityDue DateFormatCover LetterDay 3(1st Post)DiscussionCreating a ResumeDay 5ActivityInterviewingDay 7AssignmentWelcome to your fourth week in this course! This week will be all about you and your career. As part of the discussion forum this week, you will have the opportunity to create a cover letter and share an excerpt with your peers for feedback. In order to land your dream job, you also require a strong resume. In the activity assignment, you will have a chance to create or fine-tune your resume that is tailored toward a specific job posting. The resources and tips in the My Career section of your student portal will help you with the design of this project. Last but not least, you will be able to prepare for a mock interview by practicing your responses to common interview questions. This assignment will help you feel more confident when you are invited for an interview and hopefully land you the job. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructor with questions or concerns! Enjoy week 4 and keep the end in mind – you are so very close now!Guidance IntroductionAn interview can be very intimidating since there is much at stake: your dream job. Sitting in front of several people, all staring at you and asking you questions, is something that most people would like to avoid if they could. However, rather than seeing this process as something negative, look at it this way: You and only you can relay all that you have learned and done in the past. You will be able to tell everyone about your achievements, strengths, and character. Additionally, you can personally communicate your interest for the position and the organization, as well as your potential. Your resume has landed you the interview and now it is time to show off your skills. Go for it!Interviewing tipsIt is very important to practice answering interview questions prior to the interview. If you are serious about your job search, which you should be, you need to practice and be prepared. Monster Worldwide (2016) offers the following ten tips to prepare for an interview:1) Research the company- You need to know about the organization you are interviewing with. What does the company do? What services does it offer? What is its mission? This is also important information to help you decide if this is a place where you can be happy working. 2) Dress professional- I don’t care where or what type of job this is, you should always dress professional. I remember going into a job interview when I was in college wearing a business suit. It was only for a part-time factory job to get me through college, but I was astounded at what some of the interviewees were wearing. If you want the job, show them you want it. Dress professional. No excuses.3) Be prepared- When going to the interview, bring along a file of any pertinent information that may help you land the job. Bring along a hard copy of your resume, a portfolio of previous experience, a list of references, and a list of questions to ask the employer.4) Be on time- This means show up 10-15 minutes before the interview is to start. There is no worse way to get off on the wrong foot than to show up late to an interview.5) Be enthusiastic- Whoever you encounter in the building, be courteous and kind. It is important to treat everyone with respect. When you meet the individual who is going to interview you, provide a strong handshake and look the person in the eye.6) Listen- Do not forget to listen to the person interviewing you. This sounds simple, but it can be difficult. I remember when I was on an interview once, I was so nervous about remembering what questions I wanted to ask I kept repeating them over and over in my head, and I was not paying attention to what the interviewer was saying. You can miss a lot of valuable information if you do not listen actively during the interview.7) Answer the question- Think before you respond to a question and be sure that you are answering the question that is being asked and not giving a response that does not pertain to the question.8) Give examples- If you are discussing a time where you resolved a conflict, provide a specific example of what happened and how you dealt with it. Employers want specific examples of specific situations. 9) Ask questions- You should always have 3-4 questions prepared to ask the employer. This shows the employer that you are truly interested in the job. In addition, this gives you an opportunity to find out more about the job.10) Follow up- After the interview, you should follow up with a phone call or email to the person who interviewed you. This provides you with an opportunity to show them that you are still interested and remind them of your talent and skills that match what they are looking for.ConclusionAs you go out to the first, second, or even third job interview, be sure to practice your answers and be able to provide examples. You can find a list of common interview questions on the internet. It is a good idea to go through the types of questions you think you may be asked. Practice answering these questions. Also be sure to allow yourself enough time to arrive before the interview starts. Then just relax and do the best you can to land that new job. Before you know it, you will be off to work every day to your dream job. Good luck!Additional Resources: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)ReferencesMonster Worldwide. (2016). Interviewing tips (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from ReferenceiStock Images. Retrieved from… InterviewingIn order to prepare for an upcoming live interview, it is critical to practice interview techniques and commonly asked questions.Review the Complete a Mock Interview on My Career (Links to an external site.) and the Interview Questions & Tips (Links to an external site.) modules and select seven questions for the purpose of this assignment.Tip: It is always a good idea to familiarize yourself with all available questions (and create ideal responses) since each of these could be asked in your interview.Paste your selected seven questions into a PPT presentation format (each question should be on a separate slide).Create your personal responses to your selected questions (be specific and provide examples when applicable). This can be done by taking notes; however, do not paste your responses on the PPT slides as the slides should only include your questions. Instead, you will record your responses as you will see in the next step. Your response to each question should not exceed two minutes.When you feel confident in your responses, record your mock interview session (state your questions and the appropriate responses) via one of the following options: Jing Download Jingor Screencast-O-Matic Download Screencast-O-Matic.Submit the link to your recording on a word document to Waypoint for grading.The Interviewing AssignmentMust be at least seven PPT slides in length (not including title and reference slides), and formatted according to APA style (Links to an external site.), as outlined in the Writing Center.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of PresentationStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedScholarly sources are not required for this assignment; however, if you use any outside sources, please follow APA citation guidelines, as outlined here (Links to an external site.) and here (Links to an external site.). If applicable, must include a separate reference slide (Links to an external site.) that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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