solved PAD 340 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview This competency

PAD 340 Project Two Guidelines and Rubric
This competency project is a presentation of the budgeting process for hypothetical community members. Your task is to effectively communicate the
information to a typical lay audience unfamiliar with the budgeting process, in an effort to increase community engagement. Your presentation will outline the
purpose of public-sector budgeting at the local level and include step-by-step instructions on how to review a budget. In this project, you will create a
PowerPoint presentation with accompanying speaker notes and an audio recording of your narration. This is the second of three competency projects in this
course; it is due in Module Six.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency:
ï‚· Analyze the public-sector budget process and outcomes
You will create a PowerPoint presentation that answers the following questions: What is the purpose of a budget at the local level? What are the four budget
stages that a local government would use in its budgeting cycle? What recommendations would you provide community members on how they could be
involved in their community’s budget process?
Be sure your presentation adheres to the principles for planning an effective presentation discussed in Module Five. Your final presentation should include 5–8
slides with accompanying speaker notes and an audio recording of your narration. For more information on how to record yourself in PowerPoint, please review
the tutorial on the Microsoft Office website.
Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below.
I. Purpose of Budgeting: To introduce your presentation, you will describe the various purposes for developing a budget (e.g., nonfinancial and financial
stability, transparency). Be sure to use specific examples that would resonate with your hypothetical lay audience.
II. Budget Cycle: Then, explain all four phases (i.e., formulating, approval, implementation, evaluation) of the budgeting cycle and how they are
interrelated. Remember to define any technical terminology used for your audience.
III. Recommendations: In the final section, provide recommendations for community members on how to be more involved in their local budgeting
A. Explain the factors that might influence how much say an individual community member would have on the budget process. Use specific
examples to illustrate.
B. Identify which phase(s) a community member should be involved in if they want to have the most influence on the process and outcomes.
Justify your recommendations with supporting evidence.
C. Recommend specific strategies that community members could employ to increase their influence for your identified phases of the budget
cycle. Justify your recommendations with supporting evidence.
IV. Communication: Customize your presentation to meet the needs of your audience, including using appropriate budget-specific terminology. Your slides
should be streamlined with the most essential information, while the speaker notes/audio recording should add context and detail.
Project Two Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your community presentation project must be 5–8 slide PowerPoint presentation with accompanying speaker notes and audio
recording, and apply APA format for all references.

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