solved Part 1(a) What does discipleship entail according to Mark chapters

Part 1(a)
What does discipleship entail according to Mark chapters 8, 9, and 10?
Mark records how determined Jesus was to fulfill His atoning mission.  These chapters as I understand them are a turning point in Christ’s ministry. This was during the time when many people didn’t understand who He was. Up to this point He had been called so many different things, even by those who were very close to Him. He was a blasphemer according to the Pharisees, some regarded Him as having the power of the devil, while others feared Him and asked Him to leave their region.
Mark chapters 8, 9, and 10 speaks of three separate occasions when Jesus taught His disciples about His impending sufferings, deaths, and Resurrection. (Mark 8:31-33, 9:30-32, 10:32-34).  Jesus feed a multitude of 4,000 women, men, and children, healed a blind man, and Peter proclaimed Jesus is Lord (the Christ). Jesus also told His followers that “they must take up their cross and follow Him” (Mark 8). Jesus was transformed on a mount; He healed a child and taught His disciples about being a humbled servant. (Mark 9).  Jesus also taught the disciples about service and leadership, marriage, blessed children and counseled a rich young ruler (Mark 10).
As I read these three chapters again for this assignment, I am reminded of what I was always taught and that is “Following Jesus Christ means denying ourselves of all ungodliness and keeping His commandments. Those who willing lose their lives will save their lives” (Mark 8:34-35).  Mark chapters 8-10 shows how people gradually came to see Jesus Christ as the Messiah would ultimately overcome man’s spiritual enemies through His atoning suffering and death.
Lastly, you can never love the Lord until you serve Him by serving His people.
Work Cited
Senior, Donald, et al. The Catholic Study Bible: the New American Bible, Revised Edition. Oxford University Press, 2016.
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Part 1 (b)
Mark’s discipleship is described in a very good light throughout the text. It refers to Jesus’ family as disciples, and how they will be admitted to God’s kingdom as a result of their faithfulness. In chapter eight, Mark shows how Peter’s challenge to Jesus’ claim of foreseeing his upcoming sacrifice put discipleship to the test. In chapter nine, Jesus talks about how one can experience authority and glory if they commit to playing the obedient position. In chapter 10, Mark shows how Jesus spoke a similar topic in chapter nine, his eventual pain and death. Jesus invites disciples to follow in his footsteps. Throughout it all, Mark touches on the true meaning of discipleship, which requires a willingness to lay down one’s pride and follow Jesus and God fully.
Imperato, Robert. Portraits of Jesus: A Reading Guide, Third Edition. 2020.
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Part 2
Choose just one of the themes from the list below. Note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted it. Discuss similarities, differences, and changes to the meaning. You must provide a separate outline to your paper. Use only the following resource that’s available as an e-Book: The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology. Be sure to distinguish between paraphrase and direct quotes. Type a 350-750 word paper using MLA formatting.
The topic of the paper is “Mercy and Compassion”
Part 3
According to Brunet (2004), the social science literature focused on drug testing divides into two distinct areas: a) applied studies that look at the technical considerations related to program implementation and b) theoretical investigations that explore the normative justifications behind drug testing policies. (Brunet, 2004, p.46) Legal and administrative viewpoints are more concerned with the first topic, while the second topic is more concerned with the pursuit of moral goals behind implementing drug testing policies. There are both proponents and opponents of drug testing policies and the conflict theorists in a simplistic sense claim that this is the governments attempt to control workers and is an invasion of privacy. Meanwhile the proponents seek to eradicate drugs in the workplace for a sense of social control. In certain instances, social control is necessary depending upon the type of work one is engaging in. 
   Companies face many problems that include information falsification, crimes, poor job performance, tardiness, absenses, and drug/alcohol abuse. According to Hubbartt (1998), “every business has the right to exercise reasonable control of business operations. And when problems like these occur, managers are justified in implementing procedures to prevent or correct them (p.14)”. I am an advocate for drug testing policies in the workplace for this very reason. 
Brunet, J. R. (2004). Drug testing in law enforcement agencies : Social control in the public sector. ProQuest Ebook Central
Hubbartt, W. S. (1998). The New Battle Over Workplace Privacy?: How Far Can Management Go? What Rights Do Employees Have?: Safe Practices to Minimize Conflict, Confusion, and Litigation. AMACOM.
Find a piece of high-quality evidence that has an opposing view. Must be 150-300 words. Use websites that are based in the United States and must be 2 references.
Part 4(a)
When one thinks of something being credible, it means usually believable, reliable, and trustworthy. The reader of the content can know that what they are reading is not fiction and can be backed up with sources and or science. When writing on a subject it is necessary to give credit to the originator of the information being conveyed, to do this the writer cites their sources. “A credible source is free from bias and backed up with evidence. It is written by a trustworthy author or organization” (George, 2021). One method used to ensure the credibility of a source is the CRAAP test. This test looks at the currency of the claim, is it using the most up to date information? The relevance, as to use this it should be appropriate for what it is being used for. Authority tells where this was published, who the author is and if they are considered to be reputable in the field they are discussing. Accuracy is very important as it asks if the source is supported by evidence. There are many mediums available where people can speak freely and without support of any fact, sources such as this without facts to back them up are not credible. Lastly is purpose, asking the question as to what the motive of publishing this source was. Another way to assure that a source is a reputable one is peer review. “The peer review process evaluates submissions to academic journals. A panel of reviewers in the same subject area decide whether a submission should be accepted for publication based on a set of criteria” (George, 2021).
           When looking for credible sources of information to address my major case problem there are a few different places to look. News paper articles covering the trials from major papers that have a solid reputation of reporting without bias. Looking at factual numbers from the opioid crisis certain government websites and databases such as the centers for disease control, U.S health and human services as well as state and local government information regarding statistics specific to the casualties. For the legal proceedings information there is the attorney general, the companies’ websites as they have issued press releases and information regarding their place in the matter. There are many websites, published articles and documentaries documenting the opioid epidemic as well as the role that the pharmaceutical companies played in order for it to become what it has. Some of these avenues focus more on the human factor, the victims and the families’ pointing fingers and needing someone to blame. These although compelling are not as reputable as studies with factual information and statistical data as proof.
Works Cited
George, T. (2021). Credible sources and how to spot them. Scribbr.
Please write a response to this using 2 references that are websites and based in the United States. 100-200 words
Part 4(b)
A credible sources is trusted information that is not biased on a certain topic. A credible source can be from a reliable scholarly article or literary works. There different types of sources, primary and secondary sources; a primary source are first-hand accounts of the topic or the original source of said topic. A secondary source on the other hand are an analysis of the primary material or how it is stated on “a secondary source provides content that has already been interpreted (and thus is a step or steps removed from the original)”. Credible sources are free of errors and bias of a topic.
Credible claims are claims of the source stating their reliability and unbiased opinion on a topic. A claim can also be argued because of there might not be enough evidence to support your reason, making your claim less credible. In an article on states “A reason is your LOGICAL SUPPORT. Reasons are statements of logic that support your statement or belief (i.e. your claim)”. Credible claims are supported by reason and the evidence to back up the topic.
A good credible source can be found using scholarly articles or research, which are articles created by a university, government, or a credible company. Another source are Newspapers because they provide current events with an unbiased opinion on political views, sports, and crisis around the world.
Davis, A. (n.d.). Writing & research in the disciplines. Lumen.
Please write a response to this using 2 references that are websites and based in the United States. 100-200 words
Part 5(a)
Do you think it will be possible to import and uphold a U.S. management style in India despite lingering effects of the caste system?
The caste system in India was used to establish separate classes of inhabitants based upon their social positions and employment functions in the community. As vice president I do not believe it would be possible to import and uphold a U.S. management style in India. “Managers need the ability to alter their behavior when working with people from other cultures. The first step in doing this is to develop one’s knowledge about unfamiliar cultures. The second step is to act on that knowledge to alter behavior to suit cultural expectations.” (Wild,) The caste system though abolished historically, has always been the cultural practice in India. American companies will not be able to completely change local beliefs and practices. The manager with a global mindset can evaluate others in a culturally unbiased way and can motivate and lead multicultural teams.
How do you think your company’s stakeholders would feel about your company simply adjusting to local management practices?
Stakeholders may question management’s goals or intentions in the beginning because the United States management is significantly different from India’s. Cultural factors are important to recognize when expanding globally. India is an enormously hierarchical society and this, obviously, has an impact on management style. “Managing people in India requires a level of micro-management which many western business people feel extremely uncomfortable with but which is likely to bring the best results.” (worldbusinessculture, 2020) In the long run I feel company stakeholders will be satisfied when adjusting to local management practices. The stakeholders should overall feel happy if the company is able to satisfy local needs and produce profit-making shareholders more money.
Wild, J. J., & Wild, K. L. (2020). International business: The challenges of globalization.
Indian Management Style. (2020, January 14). Retrieved from…
Please write a response to this using 2 references that are websites and based in the United States. 100-200 words
Part 5(b)
The Caste system in India are social groups that are divided by hereditary status.  Although India disapproves this type of discrimination, it is still existing.  Job placements are determined by which caste the member is born into.  This leaves little to no opportunity for upward movement for others.  “When entering the Indian marketplace, Western companies must decide whether to adapt to local resource policies in India or to import their own from the home country” (J & K Wild 2019).   I do believe it is possible to import a U.S. management style in India, however there will be stipulations.  Organizations must adapt to the country they are providing a service in and not become ethnocentric.  They must adapt to the countries culture, respect their practices, examine the social structures, and have cultural literacy. 
Organization’s stakeholders always want to see the results of their investment along with a form of satisfaction.  It is important that all changes are thoroughly communicated to the stakeholders.  “When you introduce changes to your business, you must manage the perceptions and participation of stakeholders, so you won’t meet resistance” (Johnston 2016).  They need to see the bigger picture and understand the importance of globalization.  Understanding the cultural rules and how adjusting to fit the norms will alleviate most concerns from a business perspective since it is about the result at the end.

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