solved Part 1 – After you complete reading/viewing of all this

Part 1 – After you complete reading/viewing of all this week’s course content, please answer, in at least 8-10 sentences answer both questions: Compare the student activism in Ferreira’s article to Tuan Vu et al.’s article and offer three detailed comparisons. Why, in your opinion, is student activism unique and important?
Part 2 – After you post, comment on three peers’ posts following netiquette expectations (see syllabus) in at least 3-4 sentences. Some suggestions for peer responses are as follows:

affirmations (e.g. “great job describing/pointing out/analyzing…”,), or
questions (e.g. “what do you think…can you clarify….?),or
sharing of related points (e.g. “what you describe reminds me of…”), or
generative differences (e.g. “I see what you mean, but I thought the opposite because….”), or
referrals (e.g. “since you describe/like this, I think you will also enjoy/find interesting….”

1.In Ferreira’s article, CSM depended on external funding for their program to keep students involved. The CRP students asked for non-negotiable requests to fund new and current counselors. Robert Hoover, who was the co-director of the CRP, announced that they need to fundraise $40,000 to support and keep 200 students in their program. A couple weeks later, they lost around 150 students from the program. (p.129) On the other hand, in Tuan Vu et al.’s article, they relied more on community based events with the goal of educating the individuals who make up their community. They organized film screenings and teach-in events that were in-person and virtual and they also used social media and photo campaigns to spread the word about the SEA community. (p.51)
A second comparison between the two articles, the Ferreira article mentions the student nonviolent sit-ins to demonstrate the growing gap between the students’ needs and the administration’s knowledge. Then in another gathering, it started peaceful and then quickly turned violent. (p.138) In the Tuan Vu et al’s article, there were no sit-ins or protests, but rather had community members share their experiences about their unjust experiences with the criminal justice system. (p. 50) Additionally, individuals who were unaware of the deportations often “expressed sympathy and willingness to take action, such as by sharing information…” (p. 51) This article encourages the sharing of the current event whereas in Ferreira’s article, they are demanding more prompt change. However, the similarity that both have in common is that they both have an important message they want to share to as many people as possible.
A third comparison is in Tuan Vu et al’s, they talk about how they want to learn from the “experiences of formerly incarcerated community members and offering our own resources to elevate their stories.” (p.50) In Ferreira’s article, Mario Martinez entered the CRP program in 1967 and said “This program was teaching us what the system had been hiding from us. We started learning the truth about the system, and about our people. We started learning about our identity.” (p.124) They both rely on community members to share their personal stories, but each are at a different point. The CRP was newly established whereas the Southeast Asian Solidarity Week covered the inequalities of the currently existing systems.
Student activism is unique because young adults are usually the ones who experience the direct repercussions of society and if they haven’t yet, they could later. They don’t want to live in an unfair system nor would they want future generations (possibly family members) to also experience this inequality either. Students in a college or community setting can use their resources and connections to bring people together to advocate for a greater cause. Nowadays, it’s so easy to connect with others across the country and even globe. The power of technology can spread the word far to reach all communities. Students want direct change and they have the energy and time to fight for what’s right, all while building strengths and qualities of a leader.

2.Ferreira’s article first starts out focused on the Chicano movement during the 1960s that gradually focuses on several other movements, compared to Tuan Vu being focused mostly on South East Asians. In Ferreira’s article, it mentions how CRP was mostly isolated from the rest of campus, while Tuan Vu is focused on reaching out to other people to get their message out. In Ferreira’s article, it points out how the CRP was at odds with the administration, which is not the same for Tuan Vu’s article which demonstrates support from the administration. Student activism I believe is important because it can give experience which can be used in the future, so if they protest later on they know what to do to make it more successful. Something that is unique is that with such a clustered environment, spreading messages in person is much faster than on the street which can be beneficial to the cause. It is important because the future belongs to the younger generation, it can help unify the younger generation earlier to get tasks done now and in the future. Activism can get a lot of people behind an idea, so demonstrating the effectiveness of the act can help inspire others to do so at their own school. All in all, student activism can unite its youth to do good, and ensure in the future that they will continue.

3.The student activism in Ferrieria’s article stemmed from initially the issues that the students were personally facing which were the program budget, firing of their counselors, etc. The College Readiness Program was designed to help minority and immigrant students become more successful in their education. However, the majority of the school administration and more specifically those who had power feigned support for the program but did nothing to help when the program faced problems. However, the student activism also became more widely spread to emphasize the importance of educational opportunities for minorities and immigrant students. The student activism in Tuan Vu et al.’s article was done to show support and educate others on the issue of Southeast Asian deportation. Because of the difference in time, the students in Tuan Vi et al.’s article were able to use social media to help spread awareness and gain more support from people who were not aware of this issue. The school was very involved and aided the students in contrast to the activism in Ferrieria’s article. Student activism is unique because it allows for younger generations to advocate for themselves and speak up on issues that have occurred in the past and continue to occur. It is important that students who are in school and furthering their education feel that they can contribute and make a difference to society and their futures. 

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