solved Part 1 Post your position on what good communication in

Part 1 Post your position on what good communication in leadership means to you. Provide an example of how a strong and effective communication/leadership style of a district-level educational administrator impacts collaborative facilitation and how Fullan’s drivers rely on collaborative facilitation. Explain how your own communication/leadership style will support you in becoming an effective collaborative facilitator. Select a current article depicting quality communication/leadership to support your response. Remember to use APA, 7th edition, for your citations. Post a link to the article in the Discussion board to share with your colleagues. Part 2 Post the identity of one administrator and whether or not their facilitation and communication skills were effective or ineffective, and explain why. Then, explain the type of communication/leadership skills you observed. Explain whether or not the administrator displayed a positive disposition and communication style, and explain how. Finally, assuming the role of the Superintendent and based on the information you know about leadership, how would you frame the issue presented in the media to faculty? Part 3 Post your perspective of how administrators need to work collaboratively to address the issue. Describe a potential outcome if effective collaboration and communication was not utilized in this scenario. Provide any suggestions to improve the outcome of this scenario including how you might frame the issue to work for all stakeholders. Use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response. Part 4 Reflect back on the media for the week and how the leaders handled the situation regarding the federal mandate. For this Assignment, select one imposed mandate that your educational institution was required to carry out. How did you and your colleagues adapt to the mandate? Identify one administrator who was a key facilitator in carrying out this mandate and answer the following questions: Explain how the collaboration was facilitated by the administrator with other leaders and educators in your setting. How did they frame this mandate? Was it the right frame? Describe how collaboration was facilitated among parents/guardians and community leaders. What collaborative facilitation or communication skills were missing and what would you have done differently as an administrator in this situation? What other communication skills should have been used? What did the administrator do that demonstrated cultural competence in this situation? What could he or she have done differently to display cultural competence? By Day 7 Submit your 4- to 6-page Assignment. Part 5 Post an example of how you might use Fullan’s change ideas as an educational leader in your educational setting. What do you see as valuable in these ideas? What are the implications on student and adult learning regarding this model? Select a current article that utilizes or discusses Fullan’s ideas, and explain how you might apply Fullan’s ideas into your practice. Part 6 As part of your Final Project, you are asked to consider the value of Fullan’s models and ideas. As you read and reflect on the use and value of Fullan’s ideas consider how you might integrate aspects of these models and ideas into your proposal for your Final Project. Explain how you might integrate Fullan’s models and ideas in your Final Project to ensure effective collaboration and enhanced communication. Support your integration with at least one evidence-based practice or current research. By Day 7 Submit a 2- to 3-page paper. Part 7 Post (assuming the role of the superintendent or principal) who you would identify as key players in helping to secure funding and advocate for budgeting resources that support student learning? Explain the framing and communication strategies you would use to create a shift in mindsets and supports. Describe two potential challenges that might arise from this situation in which you, as a district leader, must address, and explain how you would effectively and collaboratively address them. Support your response with the Learning Resources and resources from this week. Part 8 Select a situation related to a budgeting issue that has occurred in your educational setting. For this exercise, craft an electronic communication as though you are a district leader. Think about the best way to frame the issue using what you learned this week. Include the following elements: A summary of the current budgeting issue and the impact it may have on student learning using story. A description of the stakeholders you would include in the communication and an explanation of why they are essential recipients of this communication An explanation of why you are advocating for or against the budget issue presented and what you might propose to address the issue. Think about the most powerful way to frame this issue to change people’s mindsets. By Day 7 Submit your 4- to 6-page Assignment. Part 9 Post the identity of the administrator you selected. Explain how you would address the situation presented in the media in the role of that administrator. Analyze the impact the rapid speed of change might have on your role and your responsibilities as a district administrator. Explain what strategies you might use to ensure the outcome of the change would support the best learning environment for the students and well-being of adults. Support your response using the collaborative facilitation strategies on the six secrets of change, nuanced leadership, and the framing of issues. Part 10 Provide an example of a situation in your local setting in which change occurred rather quickly and you or the administration needed to adapt rapidly. How might you apply ideas about accelerated change, framing, and collaborative facilitation skills in this situation? Address the following questions: What was the situation that demanded rapid change? What was the outcome? Did you agree or disagree with the change? Support your reasoning. How did the administrators’ framing, collaboration, and professional disposition impact the situation? How did the administration collaboratively communicate to educators/students/parents/community members? What would you have done differently as an administrator? How do you help others adapt to acceleration and rapid change? Part 11 Post an explanation of how you would prioritize and present the issue to diverse stakeholders. In your post, do the following: Describe what diverse stakeholders you would include and why. Explain how you would validate all participants’ contributions to the meeting. Describe how you would frame the issue and the communication strategies you would use to get your desired outcome. Support your response using the Learning Resources for this week and other current literature. Part 12 Post an example of how your school or a school in your surrounding area collaborates with their community for the benefit of students. Explain whether it is effective or provide additional strategies for improving this process. Explain how your personal, moral, and ethical platform might enhance the collaboration. Support your response using the Learning Resources for this week and other current literature. Part 13 Identify the problem you are trying to solve and explain how you would frame the issue to engage community members Identify the members of the community. Explain why you selected those individuals. Explain the goal of your task in this committee and what your projected outcome is. Describe the resources you would use and how you would create buy-in for participation, and explain why the resources are important in your program. Explain the creative ways you would collaborate with parents and community members to provide students an effective learning experience about work and post-secondary education. Apply your personal, moral, and ethical platform to foster and enhance community collaboration. Evaluate community collaboration as a tool and social change agent for schools. By Day 7 Submit your 4- to 6-page Assignment. Part 14 Post an example of how you use technology as a collaboration tool with parents, students, leaders, or community stakeholders. Describe any legal or ethical issues you might need to consider in using technology as a collaboration tool. Use the guidelines in your district to inform your response. Explain the importance of utilizing technology as an administrator and how you might overcome resistance to using it. Support your response using the Learning Resources and the current literature. Part 15 Post an example of how you would provide professional development to faculty and other administrators on using technology as a tool for learning. Explain how you would frame the importance of technology for your staff to improve the learning experience of students and adults. Explain how you might address a faculty member who is not responsive to using technology. Support your response using the Learning Resources and the current literature. Part 16 Post an explanation of how you can promote a student’s native language while providing quality education in an English-speaking educational system. Describe at least two challenges to this situation. Support your response with the current literature and best practices. Which strategies might you use that are most effective to address this need? Use examples from your educational setting to support your response as well as the current literature. Please remember to post the citation for your article. Part 17 For your proposal, include the following information: Title Page: Learning Outcomes Project: School Merger Proposal Abstract (maximum of 120 words): The abstract should summarize the major points of your proposal and the intended outcome including ideas for involving all stakeholders and ways to address the needs of a diverse population of students. Body (8–10 pages total; excluding title and reference pages): Introduction: As you create this Final Project, you are to assume the role of the superintendent of Grand City School District. As you craft the proposal, create it through the viewpoint and perspective as though you were proposing this to the district. This should include how you will frame your goals and objectives of the proposal as well as with whom you would collaborate (e.g., administrators, stakeholders, students) to ensure a successful merger. Include an explanation of your leadership role in addressing the challenges of this merger and how you would respect the diversity of all students. Explain how your professional disposition will aid you in this situation, and the forms of communication and messages you will use. Focus on how you will frame the issue to prevent as much disruption as possible. Content Explain how you would frame this issue and why? What do you believe this frame is the best given all of the potential issues that may arise from all stakeholders Explain how you merge the cultures of the two schools while keeping a positive learning experience for students taking into consideration similarities and differences between the two schools. What theory or research supports your communication style regarding diversity to foster inquiry, collaboration, and interaction in learning within the context of the merger? How can effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication foster inquiry, collaboration, and interaction in learning to make the merger successful? Explain how you can support creating a learning environment for a diverse school population that encourages social interaction, active learning, and intrinsic motivation when two schools merge. Explain and provide a rationale for the strategies you would implement to merge the faculty, community, and students into one school. Describe challenges that might arise and explain how you would collaborate with others to address those challenges. Explain how you might adapt your leadership style to accommodate the variety of diverse stakeholders in the merging of these two schools. Explain how you might ensure cultural responsiveness, collaboration, and use of resources to ensure the proposal to merge is successful (disposition, diversity, and technology as a means of communication). Explain how you will display moral and ethical behavior in this scenario and how your display enhances effective collaboration and communication. Explain how you might integrate Fullan’s ideas in your proposal, and use evidence of best practices supported by current research to support the use of Fullan’s ideas. As the Superintendent merging two schools: Explain the importance of leadership in the area of communication, collaboration, and technology, keeping in mind the continuous evolution in these areas.. Describe the challenges you might encounter related to communication, collaboration, and technology. Explain how you would support the diverse technology needs of students, teachers, families, and other stakeholders. Reflective Summary (1-2 pages): Explain what you believe to be the most important knowledge, skills, and dispositions in your professional practice as a leader in education. Focus on the collaborative facilitation and communication skills, professional dispositions, diversity proficiencies, and technology proficiencies you needed as you assumed the role of the superintendent of Grand City School District in your School Merger Proposal. Given the knowledge, skills, and dispositions you identified above, explain areas you would need to improve to successfully achieve the merger of these two schools. Propose specific actions you might take to develop professionally in these areas. Reference Page: All resources must be within the last 5 years with exception to seminal course materials. Part 18 Post a summary of your article. Explain how the information in this article might influence how you engage in collaborative facilitation and communication in your current or future practice as a district-level administrator. Note: Please upload the link to the article you found in the Webliography area of the course navigation menu to share with your classmates Part 19 For this Assignment, reflect on what you have gained in this course in a 2- to 3-page paper. Describe the insights you gained or information you acquired through this course that will assist you in becoming a more effective collaborative facilitator and communicator. Describe at least one leadership skill you possess that you consider a strength for collaborative facilitation or communication and explain why. Explain what insights you have gained or information you acquired in relation to the expected competencies—professional disposition, technology, and diversity. Explain how your insights into these areas will assist you in future collaborations. Describe any skills related to collaborative facilitation and communication that you may need to improve, and explain how you might develop those skills.

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