solved Part 1What is the history and focus of the Railway

Part 1What is the history and focus of the Railway Labor Act (RLA)? What boards were created by the RLA?Clearly and concisely explain your response. Your post must have at least 200 words. Include in-text citations as well as a reference page (per APA 7th edition guidelines), which must include at least two references with one of them being our textbook. Use a website based in the united states as a second reference.Part 2What is the history and focus of the Railway Labor Act (RLA)? What boards were created by the RLA?Clearly and concisely explain your response. Your post must have at least 200 words. Include in-text citations as well as a reference page (per APA 7th edition guidelines), which must include at least two references with one of them being our textbook. Use a United States website as the second reference.Part 3Financial Statements offer a wealth of information about the assets, liabilities, and, with the income and expenses of a firm…Business uses ‘ratios’ as a key measure of ‘how/what’ is transpiring with regard to the movement of the items within a financial statement…So…offer one ratio (you’ll want to read the posts from fellow students so as to add a ratio not already used…you job is to offer a ‘new’ [to this discussion] ratio..And, tell us ‘what’ the ratio tells senior management or investors of the firm, and, ‘why’ this ratio might be improved (meaning ‘which way’…up or down is a ‘better’ direction for the ratio)…200-400 words use united states websites as resources.Example for part 3Cash Ratio = Cash/Current Liabilities is the ratio I choose for this discussion is cash ratio. The purpose of is to tell how capable your business is of covering its debts while using only cash. There are no other assets used for this ratio (D’Angelo, 2020). I think this an important factor to know how much cash you have on hand to pay your debts in order to avoid overextending the business and putting it a financial bind where they are not able to their debts back without having to go into more debt.The ratio I chose is Market Ratios as I believe they are important since they evaluate share prices of a firm/company’s stock. Understanding and knowing Market Ratios will help investors decide if the company is the right company to invest in. The Market ratios is made up of two other ratios which are the: Price to earning ratio or (P/E ratio), and Market/book (M/B ratio). Successful investors like Warren Buffet often value businesses based off their P/E ratios, since the P/E ratio is used in comparison of other firms that financially reward investors such as dividend pay outs. The Market book ratios reveals to the investor if it is worth paying more than the book value for a share of the business. By successfully understand both components investors can successfully value a stock and business rather than speculate.For this week’s discussion I have decided to discuss Return on total Assets ratio(ROA). This ratio is also referred to as return on investment(ROI). This ratio is a tool that measures how effective a business is in generating profits. There is a formula that investors. use to calculate the ROA. The formula is written as follows: ROA= Earnings available for common stockholders/Total Assets. The ROA is a common ratio for investors to quickly and efficiently determine how profitable a business is. This is a pretty important tool for a company. If a company can not efficiently produces profits, investors will look to invest in another company that can more easily produce profits. Since this tool is easy to use and very straight forward to interpret, it is used extensively in stock investment and can be used to determine if a company should expand or not. For investors that are less more reluctant to take risk will look at companies with a lower ROA ratio. Investors that are willing to take more risks will look for higher ratios. For this discussion, I chose current ratio. Our textbook defines current ratio as measuring liquidity by comparing a firm’s current assets to its current liabilities. This means being able to see at the moment what available assets a company has compared to its current obligations. This tells senior management and investors if the company can meet its short-term obligations. Basically, can a company pay its bills. This is important because for a company to make money in the future, it needs to be able to pay its current bills. In this scenario, having more liquid current assets is better than having more current liabilities because it means the company has more cash readily available to pay all its bills and is more stable.These ratios have been used by students.

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