solved Part A – Literature ReviewChoose from three of the four
Part A – Literature ReviewChoose from three of the four questions below to answer, for 5 marks per question. Delete the one question you will not answer. As a guide, each response to Part A should be approximately 200 words, for 600 words in total. Part B – Survey QuestionsInformed by the assigned topic readings (you do not need to limit yourself to the topic readings in Part A), study guide, lectures, tutorials and other readings you find on your own, write SIX (6) OPEN-ENDED interview questions that will be among those you wish to ask your interviewee for Assessment 2: Report. You will need to write TWO (2) questions for any THREE (3) of the following categories/topics: Tourist Motivations, Expectations, and Satisfaction (Topic 2); Destination Decision-Making and Destination Image (Topic 3); Tourist Embodiment (Topic 4); and Tourist Behaviours (Topic 5). Your questions on these topics should be written so they will help you gather the data needed for your report.
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