solved Part I (10 pts) MATCHING_____motto A. founder of black studies_____elegy

Part I (10 pts) MATCHING_____motto A. founder of black studies_____elegy B. a lament for the dead_____juxtaposition C. short phrase which stands for beliefs _____amalgamation D. The New Negro_____miscegnation E. prayer of supplication_____W.E.B. DuBois F. mixing of racial groups through marriage_____Alain Locke G. repetition of initial constant sound _____Hubert Harrison H. mix or unite into one body _____litany I. father of Negro radicalism_____alliteration J. comparison of dissimilar images/ideasPart II (10 pts) Poetry Analysis (take one poem from the book; analyze it, just don’t tell me what it is aboutuse Langston Hughes Mother to sonPart III (20 pts) Short Answer According to The Souls of Black Folk, what temptations did the black boy face as grew to know the world and himself? Which one “struck the deepest?” (4 pts) Define the term Harlem Renaissance? (2 pts) What is the difference between socialism and capitalism? (2 pts) What was Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896?” (2 pts)What were the two major influences that ushered in the Harlem Renaissance? (2pts) How does Du Bois describe the “Veil” that African Americans experience? (2 pts) What is a shaped poem? (1 pt) What two difficulties did Booker T. Washington encounter when he went to school the first time? (2pts) What was President Woodrow Wilson’s justification for WWI? What was the black perception? (3pts)Part IV (10 pts) REFLECTION—select one author that we have discussed this semester and tell me about their contributions to African American Literature and what you have learned. Use Booker T WashingtonPart V (20 pts) IDENTIFICATION – Work, Author, Significance***Please write down the Author, Work, and Importance of the passage for each selection. “At this present moment it takes this form: If white men are to kill unoffending Negroes, Negroes must kill white men in defense of their lives and property. This is the lesson of the East St. Louis massacre.” “I pity from the bottom of my heart any nation or blood of people that is so unfortunate as to get entangled in the net of slavery. I have long since ceased to cherish any spirit of bitterness against the Southern white people on account of the enslavement of my race.” Put on yo’ red silk stockings, ___________________________________________________________ Black gal.Go out an’let de white boysLook at yo’ legs.Aint nothin’ to do for you, nohowRound this town,You’s too pretty.__________________________________________________________________ I have just seen a beautiful thingSlim and Still, Against a gold, gold sky A straight cypress, Sensitive Exquisite, A black finger Pointing upwards. Why, beautiful, still finger are you black? And why are you pointing upward?_________________________________________________________________ “Finally, he looked up with a glance of haggard despair; “God! Doctor, but this is too much. I could stand the stigma of murder, but add to that the pollution of Negro blood! No man is brave enough to face such a situation.” “The Negro church of to-day is the social centre of Negro life in the United States, and the most characteristic expression of African Character…the building is the central club-house of a community of a thousand more Negroes. Various organizations meet here—the church proper, the Sunday school, two or three insurance societies, women’s societies, secret societies, and mass meetings of various kinds._____________________________________________________________Part VI (30 pts) ESSAY ***Please choose ONE of the following options***Please construct an essay (not a paragraph) that argues for your answer. Completeness is of the utmost importance.Examine the role of Harlem Renaissance in our readings. Discuss why and how (with examples that you’ve read) authors conveyed social meanings in their writings. Be sure to discuss their characteristics.Compare and contrast the works of Hubert Harrison, W.E.B. Dubois, and Booker T. Washington.What differences do you see in “American Negro identity” from the beginning of the class to these final writings? Define, analyze, reference works that support your understanding and explain.Discuss a theme (religion, gender, race..etc) that has worked throughout the stories that we covered in the last 5 weeks. Why is this theme so important to everyone? How do different authors with different works discuss their themes?

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