solved Please answer each question:Which of the following is a government

Please answer each question:Which of the following is a government system for monitoring family violence? a. Youth Risk Behavior System (YBRS)b. Infant Homicide Analysis (IHA)c. Adult Male Battering Survey (AMBS)d. Women’s Alcohol Consumption Questionnaire.ANSWER: 2. Which of the beliefs about families contributes to violence between family members? a. Men are the primary breadwinners in most families.b. Children’s rights are equivalent to parents’ rights.c. Families have rights to privacy and autonomy.d. Elders in the families have more rights than fathers.ANSWER: 3. According to social constructionism, those who win a debate about a social issue? a. Completely control the level of media attention a problem receives.b. Get to define the nature of the problem.c. Are able to prove the inherent correctness of their viewpoints.d. No longer have to worry about opposing viewpoints.ANSWER: B4. Options for responding to child abuse do NOT include: a. Placement in foster care.b. Child-elder sponsored day care.c. Providing treatment for victims.d. Adoption into a suitable home.ANSWER: 5. Which is FALSE about sociological approaches to family violence?a. They developed after medical approaches.b. Their approaches often rely on survey research.c. They frequently postulate structural causation.d. Feminist researchers often come from sociology.ANSWER ______________6. The aspect of social learning theory that most accurately explains family violence is? a. Insight.b. Biofeedback.c. Active participation.d. Observation of others.ANSWER: 7. Which statement is TRUE about victimization surveys? a. They capture information about crimes that do not come to the attention of the police.b. They show that victims prefer reporting to the police rather than to confidential surveys.c. The anonymity of the respondents completely eliminates falsification of reportsd. They are good at tracking the chronic nature of family violence crimes.ANSWER: A8. The “Duty to warn” is a guideline devised to? a. Help policemen during an arrest.b. Protect certain endangered people.c. Protect undocumented workers from harassment.d. Protect neighborhoods from convicted sex offenders.ANSWER: 9. The most frequently reported type of child maltreatment is: a. Physical abuse.b. Father abductions.c. Child neglect.d. Sexual abuse.ANSWER ______________10. Which statement is TRUE? a. No single definition of child neglect is universally accepted.b. Using a broad definition of abuse helps guarantee that no perpetrator slips through the net.c. Only a few researchers exclude situations such as poverty from definitions of neglect.d. The most fruitful way to define neglect is through questionnaire data.ANSWER _____________11. Self-surveys show that the most frequently reported form of child neglect is: a. Failing to change diapers as needed.b. Letting a baby who is ill “cry it out.”c. Alcohol-caused neglect.d. Leaving a child alone.ANSWER ________________12. Which statement is TRUE? a. Psychological abuse is pervasive and has serious cumulative effects.b. Physical and sexual abuse rarely occurs in conjunction with psychological abuse.c. Members of society have little tolerance for psychologically abusive parents.d. Adults in the ACE study specified emotional abuse as the most frequently suffered.ANSWER ______________13. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the spanking, paddling, and slapping of children?a. Most people find these behaviors acceptable.b. Only the older generation accepts them as “normal.”c. The younger generation categorizes them as “abusive.”d. Shoving is the most frequent parent-to-child act.ANSWER _________________14. Which correlation has NOT been reported? A correlation between physical punishment and: a. Assault of a sibling.b. Sexual orientation.c. Disobedience in school.d. Self-reported delinquency.ANSWER ______________15. Which statement is TRUE about physically abused children? a. The most common correlate of abuse was obesity.b. Blood pressure level are unusually low.c. Between 25% and 30% experienced chronic pain.d. About 1% had allergies or bronchitis.ANSWER _____________16. Which statement is TRUE? a. Attachment to one’s parents seems unrelated to bullying.b. Masculine traits predict bullying, even among girls.c. Bullying over time releases the bully’s pent-up anger.d. Bullying by girls is equally detrimental to bullying by boys.ANSWER _____________17. One of the most important factors in defining CSA is: a. The cultural context of the abuse.b. Whether the act was enjoyable.c. Whether the victim was seductive.d. The victim-perpetrator gender difference.ANSWER ______________18. Which statement of CSA victims and their age is TRUE? a. There are no reports of infant CSA.b. The average age of victims is either 8-11 or 12-15.c. The prepubescent age is the least vulnerable age.d. Underreporting probably occurs more as the victim ages.ANSWER _______________19. Which statement is TRUE about relationships between CSA victims and perpetrators?a. About 15% of the perpetrators are known to the child.b. About 50% of the perpetrators are strangers.c. Most perpetrators are persons familiar to the child.d. The types of sexual abuse do not significantly differ by gender of perpetrator.ANSWER _______________20. Which are the two most commonly identified symptoms in sexually abused children? a. Sexualized behavior and depressionb. Sexualized behavior and PTSD symptomatologyc. Sexualized behavior and high levels of empathy.d. Sexualized behavior and eating disordersANSWER ______________21. According to the NIS-4 estimates of adolescent abuse:a. Girls are more abused than boys.b. Boys are more abused than girls.c. Boys and girls are abused equivalently.d. Abuse increases between 12 and 17.ANSWER _______________22. Which of the following is thought to be an internalizing effect of adolescent maltreatment? a. High levels of daily stress.b. Risky sexual behavior.c. Low academic achievement.d. Violence toward siblings.ANSWER ________________23. Which statement is TRUE about teen pregnancies? a. The financial costs for society are slowly decreasing.b. The Circle of Care program in Georgia produced disappointing results.c. Welfare support is more effective than case management.d. They contribute to a transgenerational cycle of early pregnancies.ANSWER ______________24. Very prevalent reactions to sibling incest are: a. Apathy and resignation.b. Thought disorders.c. Depression and anxiety.d. Excessive sleeping.ANSWER ____________25. The most commonly used definitions of DV: a. Are derived from clinical practice.b. Depend upon social learning theory.c. Are anchored in the CTS2.d. Stem from feminist theorizing.ANSWER _________________26. In regard to learning and violence: a. Direct childhood abuse but not witnessing abuse leads to DV.b. Children learn to be compliant if harshly punished.c. Men come to believe that their aggression will be rewarded.d. The association between conduct disorders and DV is low.ANSWER ______________27. Advanced thinking about rapes committed when a woman is given date rape drugs is to:a. Classify them as drug-incapacitated rapes.b. Classify them as medically-induced rapes.c. Stiffen the sentences of men convictedd. Classify the drug seller as an accessory to rape.ANSWER _______________28. Aggressive and sexually coercive behavior among college students is correlated with: a. Their low academic achievement and conservative values.b. Their acceptance of racist values and homonegativity.c. Their low level of religiosity and gender role differentiation.d. Their acceptance of sexism and rape-supportive myths.ANSWER _________________29. A chief reason that society may hold battered women responsible for staying with an abusive man is that a battered woman: a. Can obtain societal help to stop the beatings.b. Is an “adult” who can “give consent” or leave.c. Appears to enjoy masochistic relationships.d. “Made her bed” and now she “has to lie in it.”ANSWER ______________30. In terms of intellectual impairment, Launius and Jensen (1987) found that battered women were:a. Deficient in language skills.b. Poor at general problem solving.c. Limited in their breadth of knowledge.d. Motivationally impaired.ANSWER ______________31. Of the following, which symptom is probably the most common among IPV victims: a. Anxiety phobiasb. Depressionc. Maniad. SuicideANSWER _______________32. The National Domestic Violence Hotline showed that:a. Male callers primarily called to inquire about laws covering IPV.b. The second most pressing problem facing IPV victims is the combination of a large gap in legal resources and inadequate responses on the part of the criminal justice system.c. Most of the callers reported being diagnosed with PTSD.d. Minority callers felt the Hotline cared little about their plight.ANSWER _________________33. The second stage in Lenore Walker’s “Cycle of Violence” theory is called the: a. Tension-building phase.b. Honeymoon (loving respite) phase.c. Acute (battering) phase.d. Steady-state phase.ANSWER ______________34. In the debate over whether women commit as much IPV as men, the best solution may be to: a. Focus 100% on male violence because it is so injurious.b. Focus on both male and female violence to an equal degree.c. Recognize that IPV is not gender symmetrical.d. Ask the public to vote on which gender to help most.ANSWER _______________35. Some researchers have suggested that shame in adult batterers is linked with: a. Strong affectivity and self-control.b. Dissociative rage and emotional independence.c. A head injury or neurological disorder.d. Anxious attachment during childhood.ANSWER ________________36. Which verbal/communication problem was NOT mentioned in the text as typical of batterers? a. Assertion deficitsb. Poor problem solving abilitiesc. Inadequate vocabularyd. Misperception of communicationANSWER _______________37. The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (2005): a. Must be expanded to include Muslims.b. Expanded to cover marginalized groups.c. Should expand to include elder men.d. Calls for voluntary attitude changes.ANSWER _______________38. The percentage of women physically assaulted by their husband in a 1999 study of 48 nations, ranged from 10% to: a. 39%b. 49%c. 59%d. 69%ANSWER _______________39. In the Middle East: a. Fathers and mothers generally share custody of children after a divorce.b. Parents protect daughters by not letting them marry until their twenties.c. Restrictions on premarital sex are loosening every few years.d. Poverty-stricken parents may sell very young girls as brides.ANSWER _______________40. In regard to race and ethnicity: a. Race as a psychological variable is a fairly accurate predictor of behavior.b. Race as a genetic variable is a fairly accurate predictor of behavior.c. The blend of psychological and genetic race factors predicts the best.d. Ethnicity is a better predictor of behavior than other race variables.ANSWER ____________41. Which of the following is likely to decrease the distress of battered women?a. Advising a woman to stay with her abuser.b. Giving mixed messages.c. Providing a low level of social support.d. Listening to the woman’s problems.ANSWER _____________42. A frequently overlooked element for improving community services is to: a. Ask battered women to help guide policy.b. Hire consultants from several disciplines.c. Focus on changing the medical school curriculum.d. Inaugurate a special tax to build more safe housing.ANSWER ____________43. Which of the following is a legal right that battered women have already achieved?a. Better policies addressing stalking and threats.b. Confidentiality about their whereabouts.c. Rights to leave their jobs for safety.d. Obtaining a new social security number.ANSWER _______________44. What has research shown about practices among immigrants and ethnic/racial groups’ victims of violence?a. Cultural competence of service providers has finally been achieved.b. Batterer groups rarely “fake good” on tests of personality.c. Even culturally competent treatment for Latinas does not reduce depression.d. Immigrants batterers are more likely to complete treatment programs than non-immigrants. ANSWER _____________45. Compared with abuse of children, abuse of elders is more difficult to detect because:a. Society is more concerned with spouse abuse.b. Elders’ misperceptions obscure the truth.c. It is more hidden than abuse of children.d. The injuries to elders are more superficial.ANSWER _______________46. Which is one very likely reason that an elder victim may be reluctant to report being abused? a. He/she “learned to keep his/her mouth shut.”b. He/she feared that his/her grandchildren will go to jail.c. He/she does not recognize that a behavior is abusive.d. He/she has phobic fears of ever leaving his/her house.ANSWER ______________47. In Two National Elder Mistreatment Studies, the percentage of elders who self-reported emotional abuse by family members was:a. More than 60%.b. About 30%.c. About 10%.d. About 1%.ANSWER ________________48. Which statement is TRUE of elder abuse perpetrators and their relationship to the victim? a. The Boston survey showed that friends/neighbors constituted the largest group of abusers.b. The Boston survey found that adult children were more frequent abusers than spouses.c. The Los Angeles County study showed that spouses were twice as likely as adult offspring to abuse an elder.d. Most surveys have found that most elder abusers were family membersANSWER _________________49. In the Rhode Island survey of abused elder women, it was found that ____ had been revictimized.a. 20%b. 30%c. 40%d. 50%ANSWER ___________________50. Elders can best protect themselves from some types of abuse by:a. Financially reimbursing relatives for the elder’s care.b. Discussing their wishes with friends and neighbors.c. Completing documents such as a durable power of attorney.d. Seeking information on aging from religious organizations.ANSWER ______________

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