solved Please choose 2 out of the 3 color coded questions

Please choose 2 out of the 3 color coded questions below to respond to. All of the questions below relate to Part 2 (chapters 9-14) in Born A Crime The legal infrastructure of apartheid rested on racial classification. A person’s classification would determine what areas they could live in, what jobs are made available to them, who they can marry, how police would treat them, and many other aspects of life.a) What are the four main racial categories within the system?b) Describe the process of determining a person’s race. Was the process scientific or was it an arbitrary one? Please explain.c) Can one be moved (“promoted” or “demoted”) to another category in this system? Explain the dilemma of white families/parents who produce a child that the public perceives as colored2. Noah writes, “The curse that colored people carry is having no clearly defined heritage to go back to. If they trace their lineage back far enough, at a certain point it splits into white and native and a tangled web of ‘other.’ Since their native mothers are gone, their strongest affinity has always been with their white fathers, the Afrikaners. Most colored people don’t speak African languages. They speak Afrikaans. Their religion, their institutions, all the things that shaped their culture came from Afrikaners. The history of colored people in South Africa is, in this respect, worse than the history of black people in South Africa” (115-116).This quote is extremely dense (layered). Let’s break it down into parts (A-D), ultimately to answer the question, How does the limbo in which colored people live affect their sense of self and their place in society?Part A: Under what circumstances would a person be categorized as colored in South Africa?Part B: Why does Noah say that for coloreds, their native mothers are long gone? What does this mean in terms of their retaining any native culture (i.e., language, religion, stories passed down, affiliations, moral values, social norms, etc.)?Part C: Coloreds live within the culture of Afrikaners. What does this mean exactly? (i.e., what’s their language, “religion, their institutions, all the things that shaped their culture”) From the Afrikaners’ perspective, is the racial hierarchy and ruling ideology of apartheid right and just?Part D: Why might a colored person’s self-esteem be worse off since they lived within Afrikaner culture, as opposed to those who live with their native culture? Why might native black culture confer a more positive identity (or, self-perception) for its members and a sense of belonging?3.In chapter 13, Noah writes about how he escaped punishment for theft. How does the story of the Balfour Park Shopping Mall theft illustrate the problems of viewing situations through the lens of black and white, or racial categories?reading sources:…

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