solved Please click on the Essay # 1 Assignment and Description

Please click on the Essay # 1 Assignment and Description . Read the options for Essay # 1 “Food,” and select which one of the four options you would like to explore. All papers need to be uploaded as a doc, docx or pdf document. All papers need to be in MLA format, 4 -5 pages of double spaced type. The Font should be Times New Roman, 12 Inch font. The last page, page 5 o 6, will be the Works Cited. Put all Works Cited into alphabetical order, last names first. Read how to cite your borrowed work in the Works Cited for English 124. Follow these directions for your Works Cited. Be sure that you have your MLA address on the front page and a unique title for your essay. Whatever you do, do NOT call it Essay #1–how boring that would be! There is not a rough draft required for this essay, but it is strongly encouraged that you arrange to meet with me during a virtual office hour session so that we can discuss your paper before I need to grade it. English 124 Essay Options for the “Food” essay spring 2021. Essay # 1 has four possible prompts from which to choose. Each student will choose ONE option and include a Rogerian Thesis at the end of paragraph one in order to organize and drive the analysis forward. View the Model Rogerian Thesis Statement. Purpose: Students are encouraged to research the role of food as it affects them and those they care about nutritionally, economically, politically, environmentally, ethically, spiritually, and philosophically.Task: Students will select one of the four possible prompts and research and explore in this area so that students have sound, researched knowledge to take home to friends, family, and those they care about. In order to gain this information, students need to read widely, deeply, and be open to points of view they may have thought were not for them. So how will students complete these writing of these essays?Read all of our class texts, which include Food Matters, Pursuing Happiness, and The Question of God. Complete the journal entries.Read widely in the library. Read online scholarly articles in our databases that look interesting to you.Print and annotate articles or use sticky notes to help you comprehend what you are reading.Create a Rogerian Thesis statement that fairly responds to an opposing viewpoint than the one you wish to sustain. The Rogerian Thesis statement is what drives and organizes your paper, so create a thesis that is reasonable and arguable. A Rogerian thesis statement does not need to be on a topic that causes you to be disinvited to Thanksgiving dinner, so find ways to argue but do so respectfully.Always open your essays with a hook paragraph so that your readers stay with your paper and are encouraged to read more.Refer frequently to the various parts of your thesis statement so that your paper does not wander BUT stays on topic and fairly represents the opposing viewpoint as well as your Use other people’s ideas fairly by introducing their material with signal phrases. For example, you may argue as follows: Michael Pollan maintains in his essay, “Eat Food: Food Defined” that people need to be aware of how stores are arranged, and they need to eat as closely to the kinds of foods their grandparents ate as possible (10 – 19). One may want to use the title of an article, as I did, or one may use the title of chapter in a book or the book itself. With short works, always put quotation marks around the original author’s material. With long works like plays, books, T.V. show, movies, and plays, one will put all of these items in italics. Once you have paraphrased or summarized their materials, then cite the page you have used in parentheses.When you have questions about anything related to MLA, go to this source: (Links to an external site.) . (Links to an external site.) As this site is created by the MLA, they will have the most current and best information to help you write and cite materials in your paper.Always create a corresponding Works Cited page to match any of the materials you are borrowing from.There are Model Rogerian Thesis Statements for you to view under my Modules, Student Tools for English 124. Be sure to view these former student thesis statements so that you know how to craft a reasonable thesis statement for your paper.One Sample Model Rogerian Thesis Statement: Although pesticides are widely used in American farming, pesticides should be limited or possibly banned due to their negative effects on the ecosystem and on humans. ( Please do not use this statement as it does not apply to any of the Food Essays you can choose from, and it was created by a previous student in another course). Criteria for Success: Students need to look at their day timers and plan enough time to read the articles for this class and complete the ONE page journal entries so that you know the arguments various writers are making, and then, students need to find the other scholarly articles that Grossmont has plenty of in our databases with our online library. 1.There will be no rough draft submitted for Essay # 1, but students are encouraged to meet with me during my office hours as noted in the syllabus. 2. Avoid using we, us, you, our, and I in your essays. Keep your writing as professional as possible. 3. Go to the dashboard and click on Tutoring. All students can register for free tutoring on the Canvas website. Please sign up for tutoring through the English Writing Center and follow the directions on Canvas. Also, feel free to drop by my zoom office during my posted office hours so that you can read parts of your rough draft to me so that I can give you lots of feedback prior to submitting your paper. 4. Be engaged in the materials! Participate in all zoom online discussions and choose how you will use what you learn to make wise food and nutrition choices for you and those you care about. 5. Manage your time so that this writing process is a learning experience you will remember. Food Essay Option 1A: What is Food? (See the syllabus for due dates on rough drafts and final drafts). Assignment: Write an argumentative essay with a thesis statement which contends what 21st century arguments regarding food and its uses might be. Students should include in their arguments the debatable perspectives on food in today’s marketplace. All essays must have their own unique titles.One Sample Model Rogerian Thesis Statement: Although pesticides are widely used in industrial American farming, pesticides should be limited or possibly banned due to their negative effects on the ecosystem and on humans. ( This is a sample model thesis statement, so you must create your own thesis in response that responds to whichever Food essay you choose(. Do not use this thesis as it does not address any of the assignments for the Food Essays). Materials Needed: Students must use at least five sources to include three of the essays from the text, Food Matters, and two other collegiate level resources from the Grossmont College library and/or databases. In addition, Internet sources that may be used are credible government and education sources. No Wikipedia, Cliff’s Notes, Spark’s Notes, or random google websites permitted. A Works Cited page is required. Avoid: Students should avoid all uses of first person, “I,” second person, “you,” and all forms of the conversational third person such as “we, our, and “us.”Font Size and Spacing: All papers are to be typed and double spaced throughout. Students should use Times New Roman font, 12 inch size. MLA: All papers are to follow the MLA format and documentation methods as noted in (Links to an external site.) Essays: All papers must be uploaded to Canvas on the due date. Hard copies of the paper with the rough drafts attached are due on the date assigned No late work is accepted. Canvas Uploads: All papers must be electronically uploaded on the due date prior to 11:59 pm. Essay Option 1B: “What Determines What We Eat?” or “What Does It Mean to Eat Ethically?”Assignment 1B: Write an argumentative essay with a thesis statement that argues who the entities (i.e. governments, mayors, cultures, individuals) should be who determine the kinds of foods humans consume. Students need to use five or more sources in their papers. Also, students should include in their arguments the best rationales for personal control of food consumption and/or other forms of control of personal food conMaterials Needed: Students must use at least five sources to include three essays from the text, Food Matters, and two other collegiate level resources from the Grossmont College library and/or databases. In addition, Internet sources that may be used are credible government and education sources. No Wikipedia, Cliff’s Notes, Spark’s Notes, or random Google websites permitted. A Works Cited page is required. Thesis Statements: All thesis statements should be formatted in the Rogerian style format in order to include the student’s argument and the counter argument. Models for this thesis format are on Canvas for student viewing.”

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