solved Please discuss the following (3 sentences each): What was the

Please discuss the following (3 sentences each):

What was the most important concept you learned in class?
What was the second most important concept you learned in class?
Which concepts were change agents for you?

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1. The most important concept I learned in class was benchmarking, specifically the article that identified the ten steps to benchmarking. I think this topic will be very useful because it allows you to compare to competitors, and this will be essential in the workplace. Industry is so competitive so understanding this topic can be extremely useful.
2. I also found the CDA Excel assignments very useful. I am the biggest amateur when it comes to Excel, and had no idea that it was so simple to do things like descriptive statistics, and pivot tables on there. This is something that I will use going forward, and I am so grateful for that. When I was trying to do these assignments it also made me explore Excel a little more and try out different applications.
3. The Pareto analysis was very helpful for me in my personal life. It made me realize how often I was behaving in a negative manner . I noticed that as time went on during the week I would actively try to not act in a negative manner. In addition to this, I thought the 5Ys technique, and 5W2H were also really helpful and I have started to use them for day to day tasks.

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What was the most important concept you learned in class?

The most important concept I learned in this class was the dimensions of quality in the website quality assurance assignment. This was the first time I felt like I truly got hands on experience with quality and quality management. This is important for me because that is the department in which I am going to work.

What was the second most important concept you learned in class?

The second most important concept for me was the concept of process maps. This was something I had not seen officially until my current job. While they are somewhat intuitive, it was very good to see the proper way to do it and how to interpret the shapes and symbols.

Which concepts were change agents for you?
The use of pivot tables was a change agent for me. I had been exposed to them previously, but this course showed me a better way to leverage them, and I was able to apply it at work right after I learned it. Specifically, adding in the charts and the slicers was a massive improvement in visualizing some metrics at work

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1. What was the most important concept you learned in class?

The most important concept that I learned in this class is one that I was not exposed to in the past and that is Deming’s 14 points. As an MBA student I greatly appreciate these 14 points for management as they really set a solid baseline for running an effective organization. Regardless of the level of management that you find yourself in, these 14 points can be used to improve your team, department, division, an enterprise. 2. What was the second most important concept you learned in class?Although a difficult decision, I would say that the second most important thing that I learned in this class is the lesson on benchmarking. I knew about benchmarking as a concepts and it is something that might naturally be performed without even knowing it, but the structure on the benchmarking approach is something that I will try to apply in my work life. The different types of benchmarking (internal, competitive, and strategic) was also very eye opening as it expanded the scope of how I look I at benchmarking.3. Which concepts were change agents for you?Overall, I would say that the quality toolkit that this class gave me is a major change agent. Throughout the course, we learned frameworks and tools such as FMEA, process maps, and survey designs that enhance quality and the management of quality. The best thing about these concepts is they can be applied to multiple facets of life which makes them very dynamic.

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