solved please respond to the two peers below ti the following

please respond to the two peers below ti the following question:What’s in it for Me?Now that you created a vision for your company, it’s time to communicate it. Using the guidance from Kotter in Chapter 6, identify two different stakeholders from different departments and develop a draft communication that explains how your proposed changes will impact them and what’s in it for them. Items to consider in your communication:Explain the rationale for change.Address the “What’s in it for me?” question.Clearly communicate the danger of not making a change.Ensure that your message is based on facts, or a strong case that you support well.Consider your style for dealing with change, as revealed in the CSI Assessment that you took in Week 4. Looking back at your message, how do you think your CSI style affected your communication to the stakeholders?1.Matthew McCall RE: Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSEHello Class.This week’s communication of my change initiative for Demand Planning Organizational change will be targeted to 2 European regional executive stakeholders that are not part of the operations function but will be critical to get on board for support if the demand planning structural change is to be successful: EAME Regional Director (Sales function) and the EAME Finance Business Partner.Syngenta’s Demand Planning vision is to lead the agriculture industry in providing our customers the “Right Product at the Right Place at the Right Time” that meets and exceeds their expectations. By leveraging leading edge predictive technology with the local market knowledge of our people, we will deliver a step change in the accuracy and reliability of our demand signals to power better business decision making across the organization. As our business consolidates and becomes more commoditized, margins come under pressure and excellence in operational efficiency becomes paramount to maintaining our competitive advantage in cost and supply reliability. The Demand Planning organization of the future will deliver double digit forecast accuracy and bias improvements resulting in 15% working capital efficiency improvements and +3% to our bottom line. Powered by technology and knowhow, the Demand Planning function will deliver these benefits while freeing up more time for commercial teams to spend with customers, increase the speed and transparency of risks and opportunities in the markets to enable fewer lost sales and more opportunity to meet sales upsides.I think this message contains some of Kotter’s guidance from key elements pertaining to a written communication:Keep it simple – Right product at right place at right time” is a simple, jargon free way of presenting the initiative objectivesAddress inconsistencies to raise credibility: There is a sense that change should benefit the local businesses, I feel this presents the benefits in a way that empowers local effeiciency and decision making, even if the initiative will impact local organizational structures. – empower local business for accountability vs. centralizing capabilities and processesThe communication also has a clear Rationale for Change: Business becoming more and more commoditized, lower margins means a need to find competitive advantage somewhere else other than product portfolio.The What’s in it for me follows the tailored pitch approach, focusing on the Sales and Finance audience goals, values, and knowledge to shape the message (W5,A1). For sales leaders, it is about more time for commercial teams to spend with customers (8hr per sales rep per month) and increased speed and transparency of risks and opportunities in the markets. For the finance audience, increased margin and working capital efficiency is the carrot.The danger of not changing is also addressed. We are facing a choice of increasing operating costs to maintain customer service levels or reducing customer service levels to maintain margins with current operating costs. Competition is already moving towards more efficient supply chain operations and will be left at a disadvantage.My CSI style is slight Originator which has an ability to create shared visions of the future organization that promotes short-term goals without compromising long-term strategy. Challenging work practices that appear non-productive or out-dated are also in my comfort zone. This I think is evident in the communication – stressing that the outdated demand planning processes are not longer fit for the business in the future. A big watchout for this style is to underestimate the short-term impact of change on the organization and other people. The vision statement needs feedback from other groups to make sure it is adjusted to the practical constraints of the current situation in the commercial units when it comes to demand planning needs locally as well as what the global operations team wants to achieve.ThanksMattReferences:Kotter, J. (2021) Leading Change, Chapter 6JWMI 555 W5 A1: Ashford & Detert. Get the Boss to Buy In 2. Marta Retzler RE: Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSEGreetings Professor Bodam and Classmates,Two Stakeholders I have identified to communicate a draft to explain the proposed changes are: Chris S. – Chief Operations Officer and Debbie P. – AVP of Human Resources.Draft Communication:Good Afternoon,With many changes happening in the organization, communication from leadership and Human Resources is vital to ensure all staff are aware of any changes that may impact them as we continue to move forward in integration with Cleveland Clinic. As you are aware, position alignment, policy changes and departmental restructuring are major changes that are in the process of shifting to align with the Enterprise. As you are aware, these changes have had a major impact on the Human Resources Department and Operations in providing timely and accurate information to all departments affected by integration changes. Developing a communication plan that is consistently distributed to all staff in the organization will help streamline operations and minimize individual staff contact with Human Resources with questions or concerns. This will minimize silo responses to individual staff that reach out to clarify changes to policies and workflows within their department. Failing to communicate accurate integration changes in a prompt manner will leave staff confused, frustrated, lower morale and create workplace conflict (Indeed, 1). These are just some of the effects that lack of communication of integration changes impact on staff and managers. Accurate and repetitious communication outlining integration changes that address policy changes, departmental restructuring and position alignment is essential in helping employees tackle these changes that can appear unsurmountable to them (Kotter, 2). As we continue to move forward with change initiatives around integration, a communication plan will be developed to help Human Resources and Operations identify information to be shared at departmental and organizational levels, with scheduled communicative forums and how they will be disseminated (JWI555 Week 5, 3). Creating a sense of urgency for continued transparent communication and developing a guiding coalition from different levels of staff within the organization, we can develop a communication process to bring about the integration changes in a positive, productive environment for all staff in the organization (Kotter, 2).CSI Style: Pragmatist:I feel that my communication reflects the pragmatist style as outlined in the CSI Assessment. I value and include cross functional-teams and the coordination and efforts among team members (CSI, 4). I truly believe in sharing information with the appropriate people and value opportunities for myself and those around me to learn new skills and truly love to impart any knowledge I feel can benefit staff and I am always there to How To Address Poor Communication in the Workplace. P. Kotter. 2012. Leading Change. Ch. 6.JWI555. Week 5. Lecture Notes. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.Change Style Indicator (CSI). 2021. Improve Change Effectiveness. Marta Retzler

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