solved Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’

Please write a discussion and respond to this 2 peers’ Discussion PromptsDiscussion:Identify two possible research questions for your final project. Explain why these two questions interest you and why you would like to conduct research on them. Be concise in explaining why you believe there is a need for research to be conducted on the topics you’ve chosen.Respond to at least two of your classmates with feedback on the questions they posted. Advise your classmates on which of the research questions they posted you think would be best for them to use. Explain why you think the question you chose would be best for them to pursue. ALL citations and references needs to be APA 7th edition format. THANK YOU!Peers# 1 The first area of interest that I have is in regards to my career as a mental health nurse. I have been working with adolescent patients in a mental health inpatient setting for the last 3 years. After seeing so many patients come through our doors, I have noticed a significant trend in an increase of transgender youths having active suicidal thoughts. These tend to stem around their transition and family, friends, and society not accepting them as they feel the truly are. I would study a group of trans youths from ages 12-17. I would develop a survey to investigate how often and severe their suicidal thought are/have been. I would also investigate how many of these youth had made suicidal gestures, attempts, etc. and the severity of those attempts. This would give us great insight into the plight that these children are going through and could guide further investigations into the best way to help a child who is not going through puberty and trying to find themselves, but in a culture that is overwhelmingly not supportive of who they feel they truly are. Another idea that I had was involving a conversation I had with co-workers the other night. As night shift nurses, we tend to utilize large caffeine intake to get through our long nights. Many of us are not fans of drinking coffee; which is the go to for most nursing staff. Many of us utilize soda as our method of caffeine intake. This lead to a discussion about how drinking so many sugary beverages has been a contributing factor to most of our weight gain in the years following working night shift. The conversation was interesting in that there seemed to be three distinct groups of nurses: 1) those who were health conscious and did not drink sugary or artificially sweetened beverages, 2) those who only consumed sugary beverages (i.e.: regular coke drinkers), and 3) those that consumed artificially sweetened beverages (i.e.: Diet Coke drinkers). I was thinking it would be interesting to do a study on nurses to see if there was a difference in weight (or obesity level) between nurses that consumed sugary beverages over those that consumed artificially sweetened beverages. Data would then be compared between the two groups to see if there is a correlation. This would allow us to help educate staff on better beverage choices to minimize obesity in the nursing world.Peers# 2Research question #1: Vaccine HesitancyWhat social/cultural factors influence individual’s resistance to vaccines?Vaccine hesitancy refers to a “delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccination despite availability of vaccination services. Vaccine hesitancy is complex and context specific, varying across time, place and vaccines” (MacDonald, 2015). As a nurse, I have observed an increase in vaccine/immunization hesitancy over the past 15 or so years. Beginning with parents opting out of routine childhood immunizations to the more recent COVID 19 vaccine that is now available – to some, but not everyone (but that is another conversation). It is well known that many preventable diseases, such as measles and small pox, that were in the decline in the U.S. have made a resurgence. The decision to refuse or resist vaccines is a personal, but that decision has consequences throughout communities and the general population. When individuals hesitate or opt-out of vaccinations that prevent the spread of communicable disease, they potentially put the most vulnerable people at risk. I believe it is important to research the cultural, religious, political, etc. beliefs that drive this hesitation to better understand the decision-making process.Research question #2: Antibiotic ResistanceHow does the overuse of antibiotics affect public health?According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020), at least 2.8 million people are infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria or fungi in the U.S. every year, and more than 35,00 people die as a result of those infections (para. 5). Again, as a nurse I am concerned with the what are termed “superbugs”, bacterial or fungal infections that are impossible to treat with antibiotics. Also, because antibiotic resistance is a losing battle, many pharmaceutical companies have abandoned antibiotic research, leaving us more vulnerable. I have personally been involved in the care of people with infections that are resistant to the usual course of antibiotic treatment. Not only does being sick make you feel terrible, multiple rounds of different, powerful IV antibiotics/antifungal medications come with side effects to add to the misery. Antibiotic resistant superbugs have the potential to contribute to a major public health crisis. It is important to research the consequences that antibiotic resistant superbugs have on the future of public health to be able to gain insight and mitigate an impending crisis.

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