solved please write feedback for 2 peers’ comparative analysis. I will

please write feedback for 2 peers’ comparative analysis. I will show you the example of this assignment at the end of the instruction. Please read it before working on this assignment and keep the format. In your feedback, answer the following questions in your feedback:1. What expectations do you form about the paper based on the paper’s title? If the paper doesn’t have a title or if the title doesn’t fit the paper’s theme, what suggestions do you have for a title?2. What is the paper’s thesis or main message? Do you get some indication about what the thesis will be from the introduction? 3. Are significant images, descriptions, information, or phrases from the sources used to support and illustrate the writer’s points? If not, where would it be helpful for the writer to include more direct support from the primary source, in the form of quotations or paraphrases?4. What points might the writer develop more fully? What points left you feeling confused or did you have trouble following? 5. What is the most successful aspect of this draft? 6. What final recommendations do you have for this writer?1st peer’s comparative analysis:Never Written for just Children It does not sound unusual when someone says fairy tales are for children. Fairy tales usually have stories where a good main character fights against evil, while involving magical characters, and the good character overcomes their hardship with a happy ending. “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde and “The Little Match-Seller” by Hans Christian Anderson have dark themes, and both have endings in which the main characters die. The stories show that fairy tales can be depressing, yet the audience can still learn from that kind of stories. The authors’ use of conflicts that the main characters have to face, as well as false expectations, and the audiences’ sympathy works together to show that fairy tales are not just for children but also for adults who could have deeper understanding of stories.The nightingale from “The Nightingale and the Rose” got the student a red rose in turn for sacrificing its life, so that the student can learn what true love is and gets to dance with the princess. The student threw the red rose away on a road after getting rejected by the princess and never knew what it cost to get the red rose. The student said “what a silly thing Love is” (Wilde) indicating that the nightingale failed to teach the student what true love is, and the nightingale was not appreciated for what it had done. The little girl from “The Little Match-Seller” is in poverty, and she has to sell matches on the street on a freezing winter night. The text said “for she had sold no matches, and could not take home even a penny of money. Her father would certainly beat her”(Anderson) showing the little girl was in a position where no one was willing to help her even her own father. Also, she could not defend herself from a boy taking one of her shoes as written “one of the slippers she could not find, and a boy seized upon the other and ran away with it”(Anderson) indicating that she was weak and did not have energy. The conflicts each character faced can happen to many people in real life, and a lot of adults can related to them. Both stories have unexpected endings where the main characters die, and the endings make the audience question themselves if they were in these situations. In “The Nightingale and the Rose”, when the student brings the princess the red rose, the audience probably think that the princess would accept the red rose and go dance with the student because the nightingale gave its life just to get a red rose for the student. However, the princess rejected him and said “I am afraid it will not go with my dress,’ she answered; ‘and, besides, the Chamberlain’s nephew has sent me some real jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers”(Wilde) indicating that the princess was blind to the feeling of the student, and instead chose a person to dance with based on what they had. The little girl from “The Little Match-Seller” saw her grandmother who passed away, and she wished her grandmother would take her to escape from reality. Most of audience would think that the little girl would try to survive in her reality after getting encouraged by seeing her grandmother, but the little girl was taken by her grandmother with relief as it mentioned “she took the little girl in her arms, and they both flew upwards in brightness and joy far above the earth, where there was neither cold nor hunger nor pain, for they were with God”(Anderson). The stories set up these false expectations based on the norm that fairy tales have happy endings, but these unexpected endings show that fairy tales do not always have happy endings, and instead have deeper meanings that adults could interpret and relate to. The unexpected consequences of the main characters make the audience empathize with the characters. It is easier for the adult audience to put themselves in these situations because they might have experienced similar situations in their actual life. “The Nightingale and the Rose” covers themes of love and sacrifice, materialism, while “The Little Match-Seller” has theme of the cruelty and poverty of reality. Today, everyone has different perspectives about love, but it is true that many people judge others based on their external side. Life is not always easy, and everyone faces hard things they do not want to face but others cannot help them. The student from “The Nightingale and the Rose” mentions true love as following, “’It is not half as useful as Logic, for it does not prove anything, and it is telling one of things that are not going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true.”(Wilde), and “The Little Match-Seller” closes the story with saying “No one imagined what beautiful things she had seen, nor into what glory she had entered with her grandmother, on New-year’s day”(Anderson). The adult audience are able to put themselves in the characters’ shoes, and think about what true love is and about why the little girl wanted to go with her grandmother. When people hear “fairy tales”, it is easy to think that the genre is for children. If the audience carefully interpret these fairy tales, “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde and “The Little Match-Seller” by Hans Christian Anderson, succeeded in showing deeper meanings and themes. Both of the stories showed that fairy tales are not just for children, but also for adults by using the conflicts of the main characters, false expectations, and the audience sympathy.2nd peer’s comparative analysis::Imagery and Authors perspectiveHave you ever read two stories and think they are alike? The stories “An Uncomfortable Bed” (Guy de Maupassant), and “The Tell-Tale Heart” (Edgar Allan Poe) share the same concept of mystery but convey the idea differently. For example, in “An Uncomfortable Bed” the girl in the story is paranoid about finding something has happened to her room. The author uses imagery to describe what the women see to put the image in the reader’s head. While “The Tell-Tale Heart” the author is creating the image of the man he killed and has mental deterioration. Both stories follow the same theme but express the theme differently, the author uses imagery to describe the mental deterioration the characters go through in the story while the story is being told by the author.In the first story, the main character/ author has a group of friends and they are going on a trip to go hunting. The author knows their friends and has for a very long time, they are pranksters, and they know that. So, they are preparing for something to happen. While getting ready for bed the author describes everything, they check to make sure their friends didn’t pull some prank on them. According to “An Uncomfortable Bed” the story states “If they were spying on me, as I supposed, they must, while waiting for the success of the joke they had been preparing for me, have been laughing enormously at my terror.” (Guy de Maupassant). The author directly tells us they are going through a mental cycle. Thought the whole story the author uses imagery for the readers to create the image of what the author is going through. The story also states, “ I pulled at the curtains. They seemed to be secure. All the same, there was danger.” (Guy de Maupassant). Reading the story, we can feel the mental deterioration they are feeling. Edgar Allen Poe uses imagery and the point of view from the author to convey the same struggle.In “The Tell-Tale Hart” (Edgar Allan Poe), the story is about the author who has killed a man and is paranoid that people will find out. Throughout the story the author experiences mental deterioration by the way he describes his paranoia, the author uses imagery for the readers to create the image and the distress he is going through. According to “the Tell-Tale Hart” the article states “He had the eye of a vulture – a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold;” (Edgar Allan Poe). The readers visualize what the author is experiencing, this imagery goes on though out the story and it gives us an idea of the mental deterioration the author is having. This is the same as the previous story, both authors are experiencing a mental deterioration and are going through it in their own way. They use descriptive words and imagery to show the readers what they are trying to convey.In both stories, the story is being told from the point of view of the author. The author is both stories experience different situations but kind of have the same mental deterioration. Listening to the story from the author’s point of view helps the readers of each story understand the situation each author is experiencing. This helps the readers create the image while reading the stories. The descriptive words each author uses to create that image of a mental struggle are used though out each story the whole story. According to “An uncomfortable Bed” the story states “I was awakened with a start by the fall of a heavy body tumbling right on top of my own body, and, at the same time, I received on my face, on my neck, and on my chest a burning liquid which made me utter a howl of pain.” (Guy de Maupassant). The readers create this image and understand what the author is going through. According to “The Tell-Tale Hart” the story states “I thought the heart must burst. And now a new anxiety seized me – the sound would be heard by a neighbor!” (Edgar Allen Poe). Both stories do an amazing job of using imagery and the author’s point of view to show the reader the mental deterioration they are experiencing in the story. Both Edgar Allan Poe and Guy De Maupassant did an amazing job of creating the image of mental deterioration through imagery. Writing the story from the author’s point of view helped the readers create the image and put themselves within the story. The stories are very different from one another, yet very similar at the same time. Each author told their own story and conveyed the same ideas using imagery and using their point of view while telling the story. The reader was really able to create the image of mental deterioration while reading the stories. The example:1. What expectations do you form about the paper based on the paper’s title?Super captivating title! I hope to read about if love is worth even throughout the risks. 2. What is the paper’s thesis or main message?In both the crime and romance stories, the authors explore the idea of love versus morals through the use of outer conflicts and character growth, eventually concluding if love is actually worth the risk of pain that comes along with it. Do you get some indication about what the thesis will be from the introduction?Yes, very strong intro with a clear and concise thesis! 3. Are significant images, descriptions, information, or phrases from the sources used to support and illustrate the writer’s points?You sure did add great quotes to help support your claims and also to help the reader understand the two stories that are being compared! 4. What points might the writer develop more fully? What points left you feeling confused or did you have trouble following?To be honest you have a very beautiful rough draft! I would add maybe a few sentences extra to your conclusion just to make it full.5. What is the most successful aspect of this draft?I love how you talk through the characters growth in the stories! Not only really interesting to know as the reader, but adds so much to your claims made in your thesis! 6. What final recommendations do you have for this writer?Great paper! You should have an easy time with your final draft 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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