solved Please write the following 5-paragraph paper: The paper is due
Please write the following 5-paragraph paper: The paper is due by Sunday, April 11 th at 11:59pm, submitted to (It will count as 5% of your grade, and it will be graded similarly to an exam question—be sure you show you properly understand each of the 6 steps.)Show that you understand the 6 steps of NUPARC. Choose an example of an emotion that is problematic for the person experiencing it: It must be an emotion that has large significance in the person’s life, that is causing the person problems, and that HAS A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF FALSEHOOD/THINKING ERROR BEHIND IT. It can be a real-life example from your own life or someone you know or know about, or it can be from a character in a book, movie, play, etc. (If you’re not sure your example will work, describe it to me in an email and I’ll let you know.)
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