solved Population SelectionAssignment OverviewAs a social worker, you will come into

Population SelectionAssignment OverviewAs a social worker, you will come into contact with cultural groups of which you are not a member. Along with your collaborative presentation, this assignment will prompt you to consider how you will relate to and work with diverse clients, families, and communities.By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAs and advanced practice behaviors:EPA Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice.C2.SP.A: Analyze dimensions and differentiation in diversity and apply the influence of relationships, intervention techniques, and technologies with diverse clients, families, groups, organizations, and communities.Related Assignment Criteria:5. Analyze differentiation in diversity for the selected population.Assignment DescriptionThis is the first component of your course project. In this assignment, you will select a cultural group outside your own and that you currently interact with or will likely interact with in your social work practice. You will begin by simply describing your chosen population and justifying your choice. In addition, you will discuss and reflect on your own cultural competencies.You already chose a group to study and discuss in your collaborative presentation. The group you choose to study for your final course project should be a different one. Please note the following:The group you choose for the final course project must not be a group with which you identify.Example: If you identify as Latino, you must choose a group other than Latinos to research for your course project.The group you choose for the course project must be different from the group you chose for the presentation.Example: If you researched Asian Americans for the presentation, you must choose a group other than Asian Americans to research for your course project.Assignment InstructionsChoose a cultural group of which you are not a part and that you currently or will likely interact with in your social work practice.Complete the following:Identify your population, addressing at least the following:Describe briefly the group you have chosen.Identify your current interaction with that group.Identify your current level of knowledge about the group.Explain and describe how your interest in this group emerges from your current work.Analyze differentiation in diversity for the selected population.Justify your choice of population:Why did you choose this population?What implications do you foresee for your area and field of practice or for the population?Additional RequirementsYour paper is expected to meet the following requirements:Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Express ideas clearly, employing correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.Resources: Minimum of three scholarly sources other than your course text. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past 5 years.Length of paper: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 pointThe population that I want to focus on is the LGBTQ community. I currently have friends and family that identify with this group. I chose this population because I do not know much about the LGBTQ community. I currently work in the social work field as a caseworker, which means I come in contact with many different walks of life.

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