solved POST # 1 Ketura Discot5:43pmSep 15 at 5:43pm Manage Discussion

POST # 1
Ketura Discot5:43pmSep 15 at 5:43pm
Manage Discussion Entry
The major forces that influence change in the health care systems have been health care access, funding, health care workforce, and the health care delivery system. These forces impact significant changes in nursing and many different organizations. Health care access in this country has been an issue for decades. In my nursing organization, those who struggle with access always end up with the short end of the sticks. As nurses, we try our best to assist in the accessibility of care, but it’s always so easy. Despite international efforts to secure health care services for all, serious gaps persist (Hood,2018).
Health care funding can be done via three models; the national health service insurance model mandated insurance model or the entrepreneurial insurance model. For decades this country has struggled with the idea of universal health care and how to fund it. The national health services insurance model guarantees access to health care services through a national health insurance plan, usually funded by general tax revenues(Hood,2018).In my field, paying for care can be a daunting task for the patients since medicare doesn’t always cover all their medical expenses. As a nurse, it’s hard to see patients choose care base on cost instead of quality.
The mandate insurance model requires compulsory universal health care insurance. The ACA implemented this model that allows millions of uninsured Americans access to insurance coverage via the health marketplace. This model goal was to provide somewhat of universal coverage and cost-friendly plans.
The entrepreneurial insurance model consists of voluntary health insurance coverage that relies on purchase of health by individuals (Hood,2018). Employers are the primary providers of group coverage, and the employees pay a portion of the cost. This option doesn’t always appeal to those with low salaries, and usually, they would prefer the national health services insurance mode instead.
A shortage of health care professionals can define the health care workforce in the United States, whether it’s physicians, RN, or auxiliary staff members. Staff shortage has impacted the organization that I work for significantly. The negatives impacts it has on patient care and safe patient-to-nurse ratios. The Nursing profession is currently suffering due to COVID and the lack of staff due to low pay and high patient ratios. In my nursing specialty, the team is not being paid for working in CoVID units and doesn’t have the proper resources, leading to improper patient care. The various organization has had to outsource staff to help with the workload which creates other issues. Agency workers are paid more versus the in-house staff, which can lead to envy and strikes.
Health care delivery systems provide primacy care for health promotion and illness prevention, secondary care for early detection and cure of illness, and tertiary care for chronic disease management, rehabilitative and end-of-life services. These changes impact the availability of and access to health care for many people (Hood,2018). Thanks to the ACA, many efforts have been made to deliver health care efficiently and seamlessly.
Hood, L.J.H., (2018). Nursing Models and Theories. Leddy and Pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed., pp.215-246). Wolters Kluwer.
A-H: Explain the major forces that influence change in the health care system and the implications of these changes for nursing. After broadly discussing these forces, provide a current example of one that has impacted the organization where you work. How was nursing affected in your organization?

POST # 2
Susana Montalvo6:50pmSep 15 at 6:50pm
Manage Discussion Entry
There are various concerns that affect health care delivery systems. The most prevalent being access to healthcare, cost, quality, and safety (Hood, 2018). As nurses and health care professionals, we can help address these concerns by bringing awareness and educating our patients about such concerns. For example, we could educate our patients in the importance of having a primary care provider to avoid unnecessary visits to the emergency department or urgent care for non-emergent visits. I would see this quite frequently when working at the urgent care. More than half of the patients we would see, didn’t have a primary doctors; therefor they would visit the urgent care for issues that should be monitored by a primary doctor, such as hypertension. Many patients don’t realize that by having a doctor that can manage and monitor their chronic or acute illnesses, they could cut down on their health care costs and avoid having to visit the hospital where they can end up paying an arm and a leg for care. Also, nurses are able to participate in health screening events to promote disease prevention, early detection, and illness treatment (Hood, 2018).
Nursing shortages have also been an issue for many healthcare facilities. Now more than ever, there is a higher demand for nurses with the current circumstances of the pandemic. The primary clinic I currently work at is a fairly small, close-knit facility. When one staff member is missing, it throws off our whole workflow. As of lately, we have been having to move staff to surrounding facilities who are in need of replacements due to either being short-staffed or the staff being out with COVID. Due to these changes, we have had to adjust our schedules to make sure we are still able to accommodate our patients. At times like these, we find ourselves doing the job of multiple nurses. This is where our multi-tasking skills get put to the test. Rather than overwhelming myself at times when we get very busy, I make sure to take the time to prioritize my tasks and work at a safely to avoid any possible medication or documentation errors.
Hood, L.J. (2018). Leddy & pepper’s professional nursing (9th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
I-R: What is nursing’s role in addressing the key concerns and pressures for all health care delivery systems? What are the consequences if nurses do not get involved? After broadly discussing this, consider which of the following—the nursing shortage, changes in the structure of the work environment, or ethical challenges—have most negatively impacted the organization where you work. What was nursing’s response at your organization?

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