solved posting a one-paragraph response to that Discussion’s readings and posing

posting a one-paragraph response to that Discussion’s readings and posing one discussion question that we may use for interaction or for lecture-discussion. Please also reply to at least two of your peer’s responses.The responses are not academic essays but rather opportunities for you to meaningfully engage with the themes of the readings. Simply summarizing the readings will only achieve you 10 points, your interpretation or analysis would add 10 more points, the discussion question 5 points, and the interaction with your peers 5 more points for a total of 30 points per posting. Consider what concept, idea, or takeaway did you find most meaningful?As the quarter progress, your goal is to further develop your analytic skills. Eventually, your postings should engage the readings’ content and draw connections between readings. Important: 1) Plagiarized/copied responses will earn 0 points, 2) posts should be at least 125 words, and 3) good luck.Please reply to these two students.A: After reading this reading the authors that were involved in these Taco Shop journeys were able to relate to the audience by saying words like “if you’re a student with an uncertain future, books under your arm and a notebook full of unnecessary notes step right up.” These authors made readers step into the shoes of the people of Mexico and how they feel on a daily basis. It is the feeling of hopelessness and belittled. It is the feeling that you don’t know what your future holds, but you have to continue anyways. In another poem by Pat Payne, he wrote, “ I chase freedom, I seek freedom” all throughout his piece as a way of saying to never give up. These poems were made to feel how much agony the people of Tijuana felt going through the border. How Mexicans day by day are still chasing the life that they see their next door neighbors living, but could never get there because of where they came from. What stood out to me most was this quote from La Linea, “Will we ever ever really ever cross the line or will we just sit encumbered by the borders of our own minds?” The feeling of freedom will never be met because the border is still heavily rooted in the memory of every Mexican. Those who were able to make a life for themselves after crossing the border will never be able to let go of this chase for freedom because they don’t know how it is supposed to feel like. My question to the Tacoshop poets is, why did Mary Kay describe Tijuana as a Cardboard City? I wonder if it is because the city is heavy duty and meant to carry the pain or because it is fragile.B: This reading made me think about how different every city is depending on the demographic and socio economic status of the population living in the city is. Tijuana for example is associated with crime, drugs, and poverty therefore they lack a lot of resources or if there is resources it is unaccessible for the people due to the lack of money or lack of transportation. Then as mentioned in one of the poems you have La Jolla which is a very nice city where all the houses you see are million dollar houses that are owned by millionaires. I liked the first poem Gas Stations and Cemeteries where it says “they want everything in a hurry and we want everything eternal” because the U.S doesn’t see what their actions will cause long term all they care about is making money in the moment regardless of who they exploit or what they destroy. All minorities ask for is stability because countries like the U.S and Europe have completely destabilized countries like Mexico and the people continue to suffer the consequences of capitalism while the rich continue to get richer.

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