solved President Biden is meeting his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin
President Biden is meeting his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland after completing his first G-7 meeting as President. As you surely are aware, the G- 7 are the seven most industrialized nations of the world. Their meetings are often opportunities to address global opportunities as well as global threats and challenges. President Biden also attended the European Union (EU) meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Read as much coverage of these three major events as possible. Read especially in the reputable news sources such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, etc. You can access these sources through the SSU library. If you have problems, call a librarian for assistance.Focus on issues raised by President Biden and other leaders that address the global threats we have been studying. What are the leaders saying should be done to address these challenges for their countries and for the world? What do you think the world and you should be doing to make it a safer planet for future generations?What are the issues the United States and Russia can cooperate about? What are the things they disagree about?Read as widely as possible to learn about what others are suggesting as solutions for a safer future world. 4-5 pages
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