solved PROMPT #1: Miss Representation What are your general thoughts/reactions to

PROMPT #1: Miss Representation What are your general thoughts/reactions to the documentary “Miss Representation”? How does this documentary illustrate some of the implications of gender socialization and social inequality in society? In your post please draw specific connections between this documentary and at least TWO readings/other materials/concepts from this module.PROMPT #2: “Unnecessarily Gendered”All of us in contemporary American society live under the influence of a consumer-based capitalist economic structure. A main goal of contemporary capitalism is to get us to BUY THINGS. To do so, corporations often rely heavily on traditional gender socialization (so, cissex, cisgender, and heteronormative stereotypes) to market products and services to us. We are, quite literally, bombarded with these images and messages all the time in everyday life. In turn, these stereotypes and the problematic aspects of binary categorization of the human condition become reinforced in the culture at large, as we consume products and images as part of our socialization – how we learn about who we should/shouldn’t be, act, feel, look, etc. in our culture.Your task this week, for this prompt/activity, is to find an example from your everyday life of a product that is “unnecessarily gendered.” Take a picture of your example, post it here, and provide a short explanation with your image of how this product has been marketed/created in such a way that includes and (unnecessarily) reinforces problematic gender stereotypes. What stereotypes does the marketing exploit? What are the larger implications of this? How could this product be marketed differently/better?Here is one example to consider:Ellen Clip – Bic Pens for Women: Notes:An example “from your everyday life” means something you observe this week in your actual environment as you go about daily life. So, for example, screenshots of products from the internet will not count. You need to post an original photo of your example.Your initial post here may be later than Wednesday, but please don’t wait until the last minute to share your find so we still have time to develop a discussion around your shared examples this week. :-)3.EXTRA CREDIT REPORT OUT (optional prompt):Did you take advantage of the extra credit opportunity this week? Tell us about your thoughts, reactions, main takeaway points from the film here. How does it add to your knowledge in this module?Article by Lorber. ( Post: “Essentialism: It Is What It Is”. ( this extra credit assignment, you will watch the documentary “The Mask You Live In.” You can stream this documentary via the Kanopy streaming service through your UNH library account (

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