solved PURPOSE Explore academic arguments and evidence related to topics that

Explore academic arguments and evidence related to topics that are highly debated today! Become
a more informed person by learning how to locate and evaluate sources in a library database. Make
your own academic claims based on expert arguments and evidence. Consider counterarguments
against your own position and write smart, convincing refutations or accommodations. Don’t these
skills sound like they will come in handy for future college classes, future work in a variety of fields,
or future debates with family members whose beliefs oppose your own? PROMPT
Select a research topic and corresponding question(s) from the Research Essay Topics list.
Write an argumentative essay that offers original claims and researched evidence to
respond to the selected question(s). REQUIREMENTS
1. The final research paper must be 5-7 pages long (or 1600-2100 words), double spaced, 1” margins,
12 point Times New Roman or 11 point Arial. Essays that do not meet minimum length
requirements will not receive a passing grade.
2. Final research essay must follow the required formats from course lessons, materials, and
models, and . . .
3. Include an introduction that offers important contextual information about the topic
for an unfamiliar reader, as well as a 3D Thesis Statement, according to class
4. Incorporate SEAS Body Paragraphs with sub-claims, introduction to and incorporation
of evidence, author-focused analysis, and a discussion of the significance of the evidence
with regard to the larger argument.
5. Cite/draw evidence from a minimum of four sources from the Opposing Viewpoints in
Context database. Two sources should come from the Viewpoints sections of Opposing
Viewpoints (either featured viewpoints or all), and should form a point/counterpoint in
response to your question (think pro/con). Two additional sources can come from any
section, including Viewpoints, Academic Journals, News, or Magazines. The general
research starter article at the top of your research page does not count as one of your
sources. If you don’t see what you think you need for your essay, contact me.
Note: any sources outside Opposing Viewpoints need prior approval before
being incorporated into the assignment.
6. Introduce a counterargument, and then either refute or accommodate that
counterargument according to the formats offered in the corresponding
7. Wrap up your essay with a conclusion that restates your main argument and sub-claims and addresses the larger significance of your position. You can connect to current
events, offer a call to action, or end with a personal connection to the topic.
8. Use in-text citations and include works cited page according to MLA standards. The works
cited page does not count toward essay page length. Tip: All sources in the Opposing Viewpoints
in Context have a completed, formatted, correct MLA citation available, already completed for
you. TOPIC CHOICE: the topic I chose for this essay is Media violence, Does violent media (like films or video games) cause violence in children, adolescents, or

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