solved Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience

Purpose of the assignment: to act as a culminating experience for the labor law portion of the class through the application of multiple labor law principles to fact patterns, both included in the movie and hypothetical.
Analysis of Selected Scenes from Norma Rae1.Distribution of union flyers 
1. distinguish between distribution on and off company property.  (Focus on the property issue and discuss solicitation in general in question 4.)
2.For the distribution of union flyers, explain if it would have made a difference if the cotton mill had been located in a remote location with the workers living on site.
3.Promotion of “troublemaker” to supervisor – what difference would it make if Norma Rae was a supervisor?
4.Bulletin board – does the company have to allow union flyers?
5.Solicitation during nonworking hours – distinguish between employee and non-employee union workers and when can they solicit for the union (Only discuss the solicitation question here – discuss the property issue in question 1.)  Give specific examples of when Norma and Reuben could and could not solicit during the workday and during after-hours/weekends.
6.Questioning an employee without union representation – explain the significance of being questioned without representation and if it matters if the employee is a member of a union.  Note the different approaches the NLRB has taken on this subject.
7.Termination for union activity – explain why it is an employer unfair labor practice.  What test could be applied if the mill also had a valid reason for firing Norma?
8.Work stoppage – if the stoppage had lasted, would it have been legal?  (Identify the type of strike that it would have been, as well as which category of strike it would fall under.)
9.Voting for/against union representation – what procedures were illustrated in the movie?  Include discussion of what would be required to hold an election.
10.Analyze the appropriateness of each of the following hypothetical situations:
a. In the month leading up to the election, the managers of the cotton mill approached each worker individually, asking if he/she was more loyal to the mill or to the union.
b. The day before the election, the managers held a meeting during which they pointed out how the mill would have the freedom to give raises and provide more sick days if they didn’t have to bargain with the union.
c. On the day of the election, the mill had a mandatory meeting to explain why the mill might have to close if the union was voted in.
Apply all applicable information in the labor law reading and class material to explain the scenes and answer the questions listed above.  Remember to make the basis for your answers a legal one, and not a factual one.  Ex. Explain which section of the NLRA may have been violated or which test or rule the NLRB might apply.  Then apply the facts to that rule.  Don’t just summarize the facts, explaining what Reuben or Norma Rae did.

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