solved Purpose Students will complete a self-reflection assignment for the purpose

Purpose Students will complete a self-reflection assignment for the purpose of validating their clinical progress. The goal for this activity is to engage the student in considering how their clinical abilities and professional growth are changing. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Through this assignment, the student will: Review clinical encounters to identify gaps in experience. Propose a plan to narrow the gaps in experience. Identify their own feelings regarding their progress, achievement of personal goals and weaknesses. Chose two (2) NONPF CORE competencies and discuss how the student has met or plans to meet them in the future. Due Date: Assignment must be submitted by Saturday 11:59 p.m. MT of week 8. Nothing can be accepted AFTER the Week 8 deadline when the course closes. Total Points Possible: 50 Requirements: There are two parts to this assignment. In part 1, students will review their clinical experience documentation in to write a narrative about their experience thus far. Students should: Review their patient encounters and identify experience gaps in terms of age, acuity, certain procedures, level of complexity, etc. State how they plan to narrow this gap in future practicums (i.e., focus on seeing pediatric patients under the age of 5, finding a separate pediatric site for a later practicum, et cetera) Discuss how they have progressed throughout the practicum by identifying the goals that they have achieved and/or are still working toward Identify areas of weakness and communicate a plan to address these areas Choose two of the NONPF CORE competencies and describe either (a) how you have met them or (b) how you plan to work toward meeting them in the future. Provide specific examples from your clinical rotation as support. FNP NONPF CORE competencies can be found at: (Links to an external site.) Preparing the paper The written portion of this assignment is to be completed in a WORD document (.doc) and submitted to the course. Grammar, punctuation, spelling should be observed. In-text citations and reference page should follow APA format. Assignments will not be accepted once the course closes in Week 8. ASSIGNMENT CONTENT Category Points % Description Identify gaps in patient experiences 10 20% After reviewing the clinical encounter summary, the student identifies any gaps in specific patient experiences (i.e. ages, acuities, complexities, procedures, assessments, etc.) and introduces a plan to narrow this gap in future practicum experiences. The student also outlines their practicum plan for the remaining classes. Discuss progression in clinical 10 20% The student discusses their overall progression in this clinical rotation; specifically identifying personal goals that were achieved or how the student plans to achieve in future practicum experiences. Identify areas of weakness 10 20% The student identifies specific areas of weakness in the clinical setting and communicates a plan to address these deficiencies. NONPF competencies 10 20% Student choses two NONPF CORE competencies and describes how the competencies were met or how the student plans to meet. Specific examples from the clinical rotation should be provided. 40 80% Total CONTENT Points= 40 pts ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Category Points % Description Organization, spelling, grammar and APA format 10 20% Narrative summary is provided with consideration to organization, spelling, grammar and APA format. 10 20% Total FORMAT Points= 10 ASSIGNMENT TOTAL= 50 points RubricWeek 8 Reflection Assignment_Sept19Week 8 Reflection Assignment_Sept19CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Content Possible Points = 40 PointsThe student identifies at least one gap in specific patient experiences (i.e. ages, acuities, complexities, procedures, assessments, etc.)ANDThe student outlines their practicum plan for the next 4 coursesANDThe student presents a brief plan to narrow the gaps within the context of the planned practicum rotations. (3 critical elements)10 ptsExcellentNarrative is logical and all 3 critical elements are present9 ptsV. GoodNarrative is logical BUT 1 critical element is missing8 ptsSatisfactoryNarrative is logical BUT 2 critical elements are missing5 ptsNeeds Improvement1-2 critical elements are missing AND The narrative is not logical, is too vague, or difficult to follow0 ptsUnsatisfactory3 critical elements are missing10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgression DiscussionThe student discusses their overall progression in this clinical rotation by identifying the following:1) One professional goal that was achieved2) One goal that was not achieved3) A plan in future practicums to achieve the goal that was not met.(3 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellentNarrative is logical and all 3 critical elements are present9 ptsV. GoodNarrative is logical BUT 1 critical element is missing8 ptsSatisfactoryNarrative is logical BUT 2 critical elements are missing5 ptsNeeds Improvement1-2 critical elements are missing AND The narrative is not logical, is too vague, or difficult to follow0 ptsUnsatisfactory3 critical elements are missing10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImprovement PlanThe student identifies a minimum of three specific areas of professional weakness in the clinical settingANDThe student communicates a clear plan address these deficiencies. (2 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellent2 critical elements are present and complete9 ptsV. GoodStudent identifies 2 specific areas of professional weakness in the clinical setting AND The student communicates a clear plan to address these deficiencies8 ptsSatisfactoryStudent identifies 1 specific area of professional weakness in the clinical setting AND The student communicates a clear plan to address these deficiencies5 ptsNeeds ImprovementStudent identifies 1-3 specific areas of professional weakness BUT The student’s plan to improve on the deficiencies is not clear0 ptsUnsatisfactoryStudent does not identify any specific areas of professional weakness OR The student does not identify a plan to improve on the deficiencies10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCORE NONPF CompetenciesStudent choses 2 CORE NONPF competenciesANDThe student describes how the CORE competency was met or how the student plans to meet the CORE competencyAND2 specific examples from the clinical rotation are provided for each CORE competency. (3 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellentAll 3 critical elements are present and complete9 ptsV. GoodStudent choses 2 CORE NONPF competencies AND The student describes how the CORE competencies were met or how the student plans to meet the CORE competencies BUT The student provides only 1 specific example from the clinical rotation for each CORE competency8 ptsSatisfactoryStudent chooses 1-2 CORE NONPF competencies AND The student describes how the CORE competencies were met BUT The student does not provide any specific examples from the clinical rotation for the CORE competency5 ptsNeeds ImprovementStudent chooses 1-2 competency areas, but the CORE competencies are not discussed specifically0 ptsUnsatisfactoryThe student does not address any of the NONPF competency areas or CORE competencies10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Format Possible Points = 10 PointsNarrative summary is provided with consideration to organization, spelling, grammar and APA format. (2 critical elements required)10 ptsExcellentSummary is clear & easy to follow. AND There are 2 or less errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format9 ptsV. GoodSummary is clear to follow AND There are 3-4 errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format8 ptsSatisfactorySummary is clear to follow AND There are 5-6 errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format5 ptsNeeds ImprovementSummary is clear to follow AND There are 7-9 errors in spelling, grammar or in-text reference APA format0 ptsUnsatisfactorySummary is difficult to follow/understand OR There are 10 or more errors in spelling, grammar or in-text reference APA format10 ptsTotal Points: 50

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