solved PurposeThe Reading Assignment contains (usually) two questions pertaining to short

PurposeThe Reading Assignment contains (usually) two questions pertaining to short sections of (usually) primary sources. Primary sources are the original writings of important philosophers, not textbook accounts, summaries, or expert explanations of original writings. (Expert explanations, textbook accounts, etc. are called ‘secondary sources.’) The primary sources are (usually) provided as links to free online sources. Detailed instructions identify the exact passages to read.Please note that this is NOT a research assignment. You should NOT search for additional information on the text(s) or its author(s) or try to find ‘the right answers’ to the Reading Assignment Questions. Rather, you should ‘struggle’ with the text(s) and make sure to answer all parts of the questions completely and thoroughly to the best of your understanding.The Reading Assignment is due by the due date specified in the course calendar. Late submissions (as marked by Canvas) will result in ‘0’ points for the Reading Assignment. Please make sure to carefully follow the directions provided and adhere to the deadline specified in the course calendar.DirectionsJean-François Lyotard: The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. (Links to an external site.)Please read the Introduction (starting on p. xxiii) and chapter 1 (The Field: Knowledge in Computerized Societies, starting on p. 3) of Jean-François Lyotard’s The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. (Links to an external site.)After careful reflection, please answer the following questions:According to Lyotard, what are the main characteristics of society in the so-called postmodern age? Please be specific, and carefully explain your reasoning.What impact, according to Lyotard, does the postmodern age have on the nature of knowledge? Can you provide concrete examples? Please be specific, and carefully explain your reasoning.Your response to each question should be about 300 – 400 words in length, but please feel free to be as detailed as you wish. Your responses must be written in full sentences, logically structured, using proper grammar and spelling, and appropriate style. It is recommended that you write out your answers using a word processing program and copy and paste the completed response. This will avoid loss of work in case of internet outage, etc. Always keep a backup copy of all written work.Due DateThe due date for your Reading Assignment is specified in the course calendar.EvaluationYour Reading Assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the Reading Assignment Rubric.ValueThis Reading Assignment is worth 20 points toward your total score for this course. Please see syllabus for details.RubricReading Assignment Rubric (1)Reading Assignment Rubric (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswer Question 18 to >7.0 ptsAccomplishedAll aspects of question are answered. Answer is comprehensive, thorough, and fully supported by sound reasoning.7 to >4.0 ptsSolidSome aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer lacks detail and/or is not fully supported by sound reasoning.4 to >0.0 ptsDevelopingMost or all aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer is extremely brief and/or not supported by sound reasoning.0 ptsNo submission8 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswer Question 18 to >7.0 ptsAccomplishedAll aspects of question are answered. Answer is comprehensive, thorough, and fully supported by sound reasoning.7 to >4.0 ptsSolidSome aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer lacks detail and/or is not fully supported by sound reasoning.4 to >0.0 ptsDevelopingMost or all aspects of question remain unanswered, and/or answer is extremely brief and/or not supported by sound reasoning.0 ptsNo Submission8 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguageUse of Standard, Written English4 to >3.0 ptsAccomplishedAnswers are logically structured and presented in complete sentences in proper written English. No or very few grammar or spelling errors are present.3 to >2.0 ptsSolidAnswers are not completely logically structured or presented in sentence fragments and/or contain some grammar and/or spelling errors.2 to >0.0 ptsDevelopingAnswers lack logical structure and are presented in sentence fragments and/or contain substantial grammar and/or spelling errors.0 ptsNo Submission4 ptsTotal Points: 20

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