solved REDACCIÓN 3All redacciones or compositions must be double-spaced, Times New
REDACCIÓN 3All redacciones or compositions must be double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and be one (1) page long, please.TOPIC: House, home, daily routine, favorite seasonWrite about your dream house, your daily routine, and your favoriteweather/season. What is your dream house? How many rooms, restrooms,levels, garage, yard, land, location, etc. Write as though you already live in thathouse. What is your daily routine (when you wake up, when you get up, getdressed, get dressed, shower/bathe, teeth, hair, make-up, breakfast, when youleave for work/school, etc.)? Describe what your typical day is like. You don’thave to do the entire week, just choose one day.Next, write about your favorite season. Why is it your favorite season? Whatdo you do? Compare seasons and what makes your favorite season the same ordifferent from other seasons (is it the same, is it different, is it better or worse?).Choose a single day during your favorite season and describe what you aredoing that day (present progressive). Is what you are doing this day differentthan what you would do any other day in your favorite season? Why or whynot?CONCLUSION: Write a few sentences to conclude the essay.OJO: Before turning in your composition, check:• the verbs hacer, oÃr, poner, salir, traer, ver• reflexive verbs• use of the present progressive• your spelling, including accent marks.• your choice and conjugation of the verbs ser vs estar• comparisons• sentences that can be joined with y, pero, sin embargo (however), or también.