solved Reflective Narrative Assignment Sheet Purpose and DirectionsThe final writing assignment

Reflective Narrative Assignment Sheet Purpose and DirectionsThe final writing assignment for this course is a narrative reflection. Writing an end of the semester reflection gives you a chance to tell the story of your own learning processes and accomplishments throughout the semester, as well as your understanding of the readings, activities, and class discussions.Asking you to think about how your approach to writing has changed as a result of the work in class will help you apply your new skills and understanding to future projects, both within your university career and beyond.Begin this narrative reflection by reading chapter ten of your textbook thoroughly. Then, start building your narrative by using some of the writing activities in the chapter section “Narrative Priming: A How-To.” Ensure that your narrative reflection possesses all four of the essential elements that Kathryn Rentz suggests a narrative needs. Those four elements are: a happening, an order, a point, and details.RequirementsYour narrative reflection should be a minimum of 3 double-spaced pages long. It should be set in 12-point Times New Roman font and it should include a title, as well as a header on the upper-left hand corner of its first page that provides your name, the course number, your instructor’s name, and the date. This assignment will be submitted through the dropbox on Elearning.ObjectivesThis assignment supports the course goals by allowing you to:Fuse narrative craft with reflective thinkingTell a story of your learning in this courseEvaluationThis reflection will be graded on how well the:Writing develops the four defining elements of a narrativeNarrative tells the story of learning against the scene of your English courseAudienceThe audience for this reflection is your instructor, who would like to read your story of how this course contributed to your learning.

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