solved Research proposalInstructions Assignment Instructions Write a researched, documented paper ab

Research proposalInstructions Assignment Instructions Write a researched, documented paper about a recent political cartoon, related to your major or field of study. For this assignment, there will be three separate tasks, each graded separately and each with its own due date (see syllabus for dates): Proposal (posted on forums) Annotated Bibliography Research Paper In each task, create and maintain a trustworthy, credible academic persona. Establish an ethos that is fair, analytical, evidence-based, and respectful towards differing views. Be able to present both sides of an argument and to take a stand. It’s very important to keep these things in mind before choosing a topic. Annotated Bibliography Using academic databases and our academic library, gather at least four sources on the topic(s) of your cartoon from any of the following: newspaper, magazine, professional journal, academic journal, or book. Use MLA format for organizing the bibliographic information, using alphabetical order. After each source include the following information in complete sentences: What is the main point of the source? What are the supporting points? What kind of source is this (newspaper article, interview, book review, essay, etc.)? Who is the audience? How well-developed is the source? Does it have any pictures, graphs, or charts and how do they support the writing? Conduct research on the author. What did you find out? Why is the author credible/trustworthy? What is the author’s area of specialty? What qualifications doe the author have? Can you detect any bias or agenda? What can you discover about the source’s context? Who published it? Why? Does the publication, itself, have an agenda? How might this impact your understanding of the article? How will this source help you with the paper? What do you plan to use? What does this source not cover? Include an abstract paragraph where you describe the topic, the terms used to search for sources, and the two sides of the issue. See samples for examples. Tip: Look for sources with which you agree and disagree. Research Paper Follow MLA conventions and provide an introductory paragraph, unlabeled. In this introduction include the following essentials: name of cartoonist, source and date of publication, topic, and a brief and literal “summary” of the cartoon. In other words, describe the image and quote the actual words so the reader can imagine the cartoon. Also, at the end of the first sentence, refer the reader to the appendix of the paper where he or she will find the cartoon. See template and model paper for an example. Use the following headings to structure your paper and oral presentation: Background. What’s motivating this cartoonist? What event is the focus of the cartoon (not the argument, just the topic)? In other words, what happened to cause the artist to draw the cartoon? What is the history of this event? What other events does the artist allude to? What other issues are involved? How far back do they go (What’s the larger historical context)? Cite and document your research. Argument. What is the artist’s thesis and argument? Explain how the details in the drawing support the artist’s point. How does the artist use logical, ethical, and emotional appeals to sway the reader? Does the artist use deductive or inductive reasoning? Cite and document supporting evidence from your research to confirm the artist’s thesis. In other words, what evidence might the artist cite to defend/support his position? Response. What is your opinion and why? State whether you agree or disagree with the thesis of the cartoon and then explain why. If you agree with the cartoonist, provide a naysayer’s argument by citing and documenting evidence; then provide a rebuttal to the naysayer by emphasizing why you agree with the cartoonist by citing and documenting further evidence to support the artist’s opinion. If you disagree with the cartoonist, offer your own opinion as a naysayer, citing and documenting evidence to support your position; then provide what you believe might be the artist’s rebuttal to your opinion. The rebuttal must include evidence and/or sound reasoning. What is your major/field of interest and how does this political cartoon relate to your interests? Another way of thinking about this is to answer the questions: “Who cares?” and “So what?” Help your reader understand why this issue matters. Use MLA- style documentation. –Include your editorial cartoon in the appendix (after the reference page). Make sure that with your cartoon: it’s an argument (and not just an observation), it’s complex (or multi-layered) but not too complex, it’s related to your field, you can understand and articulate at least two different viewpoints on the topic, fairly and without bias, you have a personal viewpoint on the topic that you can back with evidence and reason, and that it would make a good research topic. Where can you find an editorial cartoon? How can you easily find one on a topic related to your major and one that you care about and would like to research? Think of something controversial, something where there are at least two opposing positions. Choose something important, worthy of careful analysis and research. Think about what you’ve learned from writing assignment #2: something controversial in your field The best cartoons (and the best ones for this assignment) have multiple layers to them. The best cartoons make an argument; they don’t simply observe. You may agree or disagree with the cartoon’s thesis or you may have mixed feelings. Select a recent cartoon, nothing older than fall 2019 (unless you have my approval)this is the political cartoon i choose It’s Necessary: Is it safe to go out again? It depends. Kevin NecessarySpecial to The Enquirer I was once arrested for something I didn’t do. Long story, short: I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, two cops got overzealous and refused to believe me or the evidence right in front of them, and at the end I came out with a $50 traffic ticket because I’m an idiot driver. While I knew I was innocent, from the moment I was put in the back of the patrol car, until days later when the prosecutor asked the charge be dropped, I was scared. Scared about having the arrest on my record. Scared about somehow being found guilty. Scared I’d lose my job at The Enquirer. Never once, though, was I scared for my life. Because I’m a white man. I’m privileged. George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. So many other African Americans and other people of color who are dead due to excessive police force and the systemic racism that has always existed as a festering cancer in our country. Christian Cooper, threatened by a woman who used calling the cops on a black man as an intimidation tactic. We all know these aren’t isolated incidents. They happen, all the time, everywhere in the United States. They will keep happening I read about these deaths, the myriad incidents of racism, the ugliness and hatred people have towards people just due to the color of their skin, and my heart hangs heavy. I’m afraid, sad, enraged, in despair. All I can do is to help speak out against injustice and racism. To speak the names of the dead. To be aware of my privilege and to understand what that privilege means and why so many in our world are denied the same. All I can do to help is to speak out, and hopefully, encourage you to speak out, too.4 pages / 1100 words (Double spacing)Language:English (US)Sources:4 sources requiredCitation Style:

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