solved Respond to two colleagues by doing all of the following:Identify

Respond to two colleagues by doing all of the following:Identify the stage or stages of the program to which your colleague’s selected question relates.Suggest an additional question or concern that stakeholders may have about program evaluation.Recommend an alternative model for the evaluationDB1–DavidPost a brief summary of the program that you selected. One program involves increasing the number of home visits for at-risk families. Typically, visits occur once a month, but under this program, the social work checks in every two weeks. The program also connects at-risk families to services designed to repair the family as well as address individual needs. Many parents are suffering with substance abuse issues or domestic issues that are addressed separately from the family. The social worker coordinates services to support improved family outcome. Recommend a program evaluation model that would answer a question relevant to the program. Program evaluation is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about the effectiveness of social work programs (Logan & Royse, 2010). Outcome evaluation are designed to determine if the program reached its goals. The goal in this program is to repair the at-risk family. The at-risk family involves poverty, violence, addiction, unemployment, and mental health issues. These issues heighten the risk for child abuse and neglect. The research question in this case is “does the program reduce the risk for child abuse and neglect?” When performing an evaluation, a quasi or experimental design can be used to determine it effectiveness. A control and intervention group are used to determine if there was any change on the intervention group. Explain the potential benefits of the program evaluation that you proposed (both process and outcome). The proposed outcome model will benefit the evaluation because it will help determine if the goals of the program have been met. Understanding the outcomes is key to determining the programs ability to serve the population. If the program does not meet the intended goals, it can be the result of the process. The evaluation provides an opportunity to determine if the program meets goals and if not what needs to be changed to meet the goals (Dudley, 2014). Identify 2–3 concerns that stakeholders might have about your proposed evaluation and how you would address those concerns. Outcome evaluations are beneficial for understanding if the program is working. Even though this approach is beneficial for yielding important answers, stakeholders could have concerns about this approach. For one, it does not yield information on the impact or direct information on what is failing in the process. Outcome evaluations are formative. They can be used throughout the program. This will help understand what is failing in the program. Secondly, stakeholders would be concerned about any potential ethical implications involved with working with at-risk families. Then explain 2–3 concerns that stakeholders may have about your proposed program evaluation and how you would address those concerns. The proposed program evaluation is a quasi-experimental design using a cohort study. One concern is the at-risk families in the control groups would not have access to the program. this can create ethical implications. To address the concerns, the families not in the program will still be monitored using traditional social work practice. The second concern is what criteria will be used to judge program effectiveness and the expected standards of performance. To address this concern, the criteria should be established prior to the evaluation. ReferencesDudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.Logan, T. K., & Royse, D. (2010). Program evaluation studies. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 221–240). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.DB2–EmilyThe program that I chose is the Treatment Alternative for Sexualized Kids (TASK) program at a local non-profit organization here in the Charlotte Mecklenburg area. The TASK program model is a treatment model designed to meet the complex needs of youth who have caused sexual harm. Problem sexual behavior can be symptomatic of underlying mental health issues, including trauma and dysregulation. Youth who cause sexual harm or engage in sexually problematic behavior come from a variety of backgrounds and are often involved with the justice system. Many times, these youth and their families are unable to find adequate treatment that serves their individualized needs and circumstances.TASK services are provided by highly qualified, licensed staff specifically trained in the TASK model of care. The Average length of service is 9-12 months. Treatment occurs primarily through an in-home, outpatient model that provides structured family, individual and group therapy, with an emphasis on safety planning. All youth receive a Comprehensive Evaluation of Sexual Harm (CESH) TASK serves youth ages 8 to 20 who have a history of sexual harm, are adjudicated of a sexual offense, are experiencing dysregulation that is influencing sexually problematic behaviors requiring development of skills related to self-regulation, communication, healthy sexuality, family conflict, school behavior problems, peer relations, or risk management. The youth that successfully complete the program are less likely to offend and more likely to report the abuse of others.It is essential that the evaluator has a firm understanding of the short- and long-term objectives of the evaluation (Kellogg Foundation). Concerns that stake holders might have is will there be a visible change in the child behavior and how the safety planning will benefit the child. The TASK model works with the child and their families to assist the child in altering their way of thinking when they feel like acting out sexually. The team will work with all parties involved to gather information and inform he child as to why their behavior is un acceptable and unsafe. The safety plan with take account for the child whereabouts at all times. The safety plan also requires that the parent be involved in the treatment process and know where the child is at times. The stake holders may have some concerns with the CESH; however, they will notify that the CESH is a way to determine if they are really a good fit for the TASK program. It a full background history of the kids as well as the parents to see where the problematic behavior began.Children’s Hope Alliance. (2020). Task Services (Treatment Alternative for Sexualized Kids). Retrieved from…W.K. Kellogg Foundation. (2017). The step-by-step guide to evaluation: How to become savvy evaluation consumers. Retrieved from…

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