solved Resume Review [WLO: 2] [CLO: 1]Prior to beginning work on

Resume Review [WLO: 2] [CLO: 1]Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, watch Resume Basics (Links to an external site.) and How to Write a Resume that Beats the Automated Tracking System (Links to an external site.) videos. Preparing a resume that will get you an interview requires careful analysis of a specific job description. After identifying a specific job description in the health and human services field, you will need to optimize your resume for applying to that position.To complete this discussion question, follow these steps:Search for and find a job description for a position that interests you. Utilize the Career Resources at the University of Arizona Global Campus (Links to an external site.) resources to find reputable and niche-focused job boards. Try searching by industry, position title, or specific skills/qualifications. Review Best Keywords to Use in Your Job Search (Links to an external site.) for hints on search practices.Compare your resume to the job description. Make note of specific skills and qualifications listed in the job description. Which skills/qualifications are required? Which are preferred?Revise your resume to better align with the job description. This could include improving bullet points to better reflect the job requirements, or rephrasing skills and qualifications to better reflect those listed in the job description (For instance: You might change the word “supervised” to “managed” to better address that requested qualification). Be honest as you optimize your resume, but be certain to use the language in the job description wherever possible.If you don’t have a current resume, you may use the BAHS Sample Resume (Links to an external site.) template to get you started.For help listing transferable skills, review this article: The Ultimate Transferrable Skills List: 50+ Transferable Skills for Your Resume (Links to an external site.).Post your optimized resume and a link to your chosen job description in the discussion. For privacy, remove any contact information from your resume before posting.Post your resume to your ePortfolio in Folio Upload your Folio link to this discussion forum.Write a brief paragraph reflecting on the changes you made to your resume after analyzing the job description. Address the following questions:Did you need to alter keywords to align your resume with the job description?What changes did you make and why?Describe or list your skills and/or experience that match the requested qualifications. Describe any skills and/or experience you don’t possess based on the job description.Do you feel you qualify for this position? If so, why? If not, what qualifications are you missing?Guided Response: Your initial response is due no later than Day 3 (Thursday) of the learning week, and at least two substantive replies of at least 100 words to two different peers will be due no later than Day 7 (Monday) of the learning week. Refer to the following guidelines as you offer constructive feedback to your peers:Identify one of the most important and/or impressive components of the resume. Congratulate your peer on that specific accomplishment, skill, or qualification.Structure and organization. Is the resume well organized and easy to read? Can you identify sections like contact information, a summary of qualifications, education, and professional experience?Does the resume contain well written bullet points and use active verbs? Does a position listed as “current” have present tense bullet points? Do previous positions have bullet points in past tense? Are there misspelled or misused words?Does the summary of qualifications or professional summary list skills and qualifications present in the job description? Do the bullet points quantify tasks and accomplishments wherever possible? Does the resume contain date ranges that convey an accurate trajectory of the candidate’s professional experience?

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